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  1. Ganymede

    Mutilatedpuppet's Shop - Updated: January 12th 2017

    Updated the shop!
  2. Ganymede

    Mutilatedpuppet's Shop - Updated: January 12th 2017

    I'm pretty sure I still have them, I'm overdue to update my shop, I have a ton more stuff since then. I'll get around to it soon.
  3. Ganymede

    Hi guys

    Hello and welcome!
  4. Ganymede

    Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

    Unsealing of my Limiter (1/4 complete) 6 Pd Yellow Ring Hunter Field Are what I'm interested in.
  5. Ganymede

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    IF no one is in the lobby, then why do I see a character? ;P
  6. Ganymede


    Welcome Dood. If ya want to try something new and exciting, make a Hardcore account ;P
  7. Ganymede

    Hi ~

    Welcome to Ephinea. I love your name. :)
  8. Ganymede

    PSOBB Addon Plugin (Lua UI addons)

    AWESOME, you the best Esc.
  9. Ganymede

    Yo! New To This Server

    Sup dood. Welcome to Ephinea.
  10. Ganymede

    My first Present of the Christmas event was a Limiter :)

    My first Present of the Christmas event was a Limiter :)
  11. Ganymede

    Ephinea Christmas Event 2016

    Found my first present today, inside was a Limiter.
  12. Ganymede

    Hello everyone!

    Hi and welcome to the forums, glad to have you here!
  13. Ganymede

    Making All Mags All-Class

    I think it is a good idea. Since it is pretty much only a cosmetic thing, I'm all for it.
  14. Ganymede

    Post your vehicle!

    That sounds like a good idea, I originally decided on the V6 as opposed to V8 because of the few dollars I would save on gas (I did a ton of travel from North Carolina to Indiana at least 3 times a year for the past 3 years.) and because there was only one Charger in Phantom Black and I love...
  15. Ganymede

    Hardcore Requests Thread

    Well I'm looking for stuff that would benefit a RAcast, If you have anything of interest that you are willing to trade for an Item Ticket, just PM me, or hit me up on the Discord!
  16. Ganymede

    Hardcore Requests Thread

    Anyone got a V101? I'm willing to trade, I have PDs, PCs, and an Item Ticket available for trade.
  17. Ganymede

    Post your vehicle!

    *embarrassed* Gas sipping V6 ._.
  18. Ganymede


    LeafyIsHere is way better.
  19. Ganymede

    Anybody got any cool tattoos?

    These are my tats: The NSP and Combichrist Skull I got in 2009, the Raven in 2013 and the Godzilla in 2014 before I deployed. I haven't gotten any new tats yet but I have a few ideas but probably won't get any more until late 2017 once I've payed off some debt and such.
  20. Ganymede

    Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

    Yeah I'll be on then.