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  1. GamerAang

    Team FiasCO - We ruined christmas

    I pledge allegiance to IDS I'm in
  2. GamerAang

    pso episode 3 card revolution online server idea :O

    A.k.a ATTENTION!!! PLEASE READ talk is cheap if u dont know what ur saying not to be embarrassing tho
  3. GamerAang

    pso episode 3 card revolution online server idea :O

    P.S. FYI not to be a dick tho u don't make any sense check your grammar and go back to school conenubi701 aka god or whatever your name is
  4. GamerAang

    pso episode 3 card revolution online server idea :O

    Who ever you are u lack likelyness dude episode III was a great game u wouldn't know a great game if it bit u in the crotch dude not to be a dick tho but seriously
  5. GamerAang

    new tools for devolopment in pso

    link to site
  6. GamerAang

    Post the last photo, gif or video that made you laugh too hard

    you should see this it will knock your socks off
  7. GamerAang

    Time for some metal gear solid trivia

    and yes its fatman your right
  8. GamerAang

    What Games Are You Playing?

    metal gear solid the shit man
  9. GamerAang

    Time for some metal gear solid trivia

    u spelled it wrong btw
  10. GamerAang

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I play psu clementine server
  11. GamerAang

    Time for some metal gear solid trivia

    please post your answer ------->
  12. GamerAang

    Time for some metal gear solid trivia

    a) solidus snake b) Big boss c) Fatman
  13. GamerAang

    Time for some metal gear solid trivia

    who was the guy that tried to blow up the big shell on Metal gear solid 2 substance and metal gear solid sons of liberty
  14. GamerAang

    pso episode 3 card revolution online server idea :O

    he said something about logs I wasn't sure tho
  15. GamerAang

    pso episode 3 card revolution online server idea :O

    scroll all the way to the bottom to see