Search results

  1. GamerAang

    Arsuru's Mag Orphanage

    i would like a custom mag for fomarl please make it a ranger mag but please include mind in it dosent have to be a lot of mind tho i would pay you 6 pds if thats too much a bargain
  2. GamerAang

    Blackout's Newbie Store (1 pd shop)

    hey um can i get 20 pow mats for 2 pds if im right
  3. GamerAang

    S> items

    its ok
  4. GamerAang

    Zelpha's Emporium

    Interested in hell launcher with special I will trade my dark meteor for it Zelpha please reserve this item for me
  5. GamerAang

    S> items

    Can you offer me your heaven Striker 20 hit I'll trade one of my items if interested
  6. GamerAang

    Strongests updated list 7/7

    Swordsman Lore how much
  7. GamerAang

    What Games Are You Playing?

    aside from pso ive been doing vrchat custom avatars i have been trying to upload them to my headset using unity program if you guys are into vr please give it a shot its worth a try ive been also playing gta5 ill be playing pso in a bit
  8. GamerAang

    SanicTeam: PvE! (Accepting ALL players 11/22/24!)

    i'd like to join is it just sandbox only or is it normal
  9. GamerAang

    Yakz List o' things.

    the liest i could interest u in is gold badges i have 12 of em
  10. GamerAang

    Yakz List o' things.

    ive spent the last 8 on the last trade
  11. GamerAang

    Yakz List o' things.

    i dont have any pds atm
  12. GamerAang

    Yakz List o' things.

    reserve it then if ur interested in this deal
  13. GamerAang

    Yakz List o' things.

    i have 10 gold anniversary badges if u want
  14. GamerAang

    Leonhart's little shop [Mag's]

    and do u have a handgun guild if u do ill buy it from at 6:00 pm est Discord name BASSMAN-CLYDE
  15. GamerAang

    petal supply

    how much for the tskiri J sword and i have a question is this how u get sealed j sword ill be on 6pm est Names Endu Discord BASSMAN-CLYDE
  16. GamerAang

    Leonhart's little shop [Mag's]

    i will buy Handgun: Milla [Fill] [20/0/0/25|0] PM ME!!!!!! BASSMAN-CLYDE on discord i get on at 6pm est
  17. GamerAang

    Yakz List o' things.

    how much for Master Raven [Masters] [0/0/0/0|0] ill be on 6pm Est i live in the US
  18. GamerAang

    Arsuru's Surplus | S-Ranks & More

    how much for the genpei i could use a shield like tht and the Advanced gaear B.P. and Adv Regene Gear tyvm that will be all
  19. GamerAang

    Gauging interest in a custom mag service.

    i want a mag that has alot of accuracy and mind