Search results

  1. FuryBull

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    This looks like an awesome project. I'm really liking most of the changes and you reasoning behind them. Keep up the good work and keep us updated on it!
  2. FuryBull

    Help Me Choose New name for RAcaseal and win 15PDs ClOSED! Zen is Winner.

    The funny thing is, whoever wins this is probably just getting some of their pd's back from cwood after buying mags from him.
  3. FuryBull

    How did Photon Drops come to replace meseta as currency?

    I don't remember what it was called, but there was a program that allowed you to save backup copies of your memory cards to your PC. Doing this allowed you to duplicate items via transfering it to a character... backing up the card. trasftering everything back. then when you reloaded...
  4. FuryBull

    How did Photon Drops come to replace meseta as currency?

    meseta is basically fuel for charge weapons. has very little use otherwise. You will get so much meseta that buying out all 3 shops would barely make a dent. PD's are in constant demand though, due to ES (Srank) weapon specials and adding % to weapons.
  5. FuryBull

    Quick question - Quick answer

    What events happen each year on this server? And when are they? Currently we have christmas goin, and I assume Easter and Halloween are events too. Are there any others? Are they all similar but with different drops? ( Is there somewhere explaining this all aready?)
  6. FuryBull

    b> pow mats x30 (closed)

    I've already found some, but I still need another 30.
  7. FuryBull

    b> pow mats x30 (closed)

    I need a stack power mats them if you got it. also looking for an h/arms or two, and a cheap heavenly striker. I've got most of this already, still need another 30 power mats though.
  8. FuryBull

    Help Me Choose New name for RAcaseal and win 15PDs ClOSED! Zen is Winner.

    iWood, uWood, weallWood, foriceWood
  9. FuryBull

    PW3 "Box Run" Guide for New Players & Veterans

    Nope, doesn't work. They start shooting me about the time I reach the locked door on the otherside of the room.
  10. FuryBull

    PW3 "Box Run" Guide for New Players & Veterans

    That wasn't working for me, they would always shoot me. That's why I was using telepipe vs casting ryuker (or h/e it's spelled) Theyd normally shoot me before I could finish the cast.
  11. FuryBull

    PW3 "Box Run" Guide for New Players & Veterans

    I was having issues with the morfos shooting me too. But since I'm new to this I thought I was just doing something wrong. After I kill the first 2 guys with hell, I run to the other side of the room and drop a telepipe (since it is instant vs casting the spell) and pipe up and back down...
  12. FuryBull

    B>Srank needle

    Hi, i'm looking for an srank Demon needle. You can reply here or on discord Poseidon#5463
  13. FuryBull

    S> Photon Sphere [SOLD]

    Item is SOLD, thank you Cwood I have 1 PS for sale, 95pds Also interested in the following items + pd's Demon Needle Lame/Excal Heaven Striker Limiter/Adept V101 V502
  14. FuryBull

    B> H/Battle

    Looking for an H/Battle, paying 2PD Discord: Poseidon#5463
  15. FuryBull

    Occasional Issues with Direct3D

    This error pops up fairly often. Its especially annoying when i'm in the middle of a quest and can't rejoin because of it. Alt-tabbing or resizing the window will almost always cause this. But sometimes the game itself will "flicker"/studder and this message will pop up in the middle of me...
  16. FuryBull

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Frozen shooter or spread needle. Which should a new ramarl try to get first? Which will be more important for the majority of content?
  17. FuryBull

    S-> Master Raven - SOLD

    8PDs - SOLD I have a fairly new account on this server so some starter gear for a ramarl would be worth more to me than PD's. Needing stuff like: Spread Needle Frozen Shooter Good units (battle/ability units) A good multi-hit melee weapon for ep.4 lizard bashing. Charge/spirit mechs/arms...
  18. FuryBull

    Christmas 2018 Event Thread

    I found a Chameleon Scythe in a very hard present
  19. FuryBull

    Stop discriminating against mags!

    XP boost events should effect our lil helpers also! Why do the lil guys get left in the dust while we suddenly get to level twice as fast?
  20. FuryBull

    A trick to not suffering accidental Photon Blasts while keeping 100PB

    Palette manager is awesome, I didn't know it existed till now. Amazing for any non-cast to actually have enough spots for all the techs.