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  1. FuryBull

    Ephinea 2019 Super Bowl Box

    Shovel.might just win q4 also now... Lucky bastard lol
  2. FuryBull

    Ephinea 2019 Super Bowl Box

    Let's hope for Rams: 36 Pats: 28
  3. FuryBull

    Coren's List

    If you look the specific item up you want on the wiki, it will tell you:
  4. FuryBull

    Indi Belra long running glitch.

    But if you stand still next to someone else, they do hit you correct? I always thought this was intended to get people to spread out and not stand near each other like they normally would.
  5. FuryBull

    Why am I so bad at this game?

    Why am I so bad at this game?
  6. FuryBull

    Ephinea 2019 Super Bowl Box

    It looks like the board is already filled around 50% I don't see any reason not to let people start buying a second box. give it 24 hours then let people start picking a 3rd etc.. It's either that or cancel the thing/reduce the prize pool. I don't see any issue with people who risk...
  7. FuryBull

    Old School PSO players?

    I started playing PSO in 2001 not long after the NA DC launch. Playing PSO taught me how to type on a keyboard (1 handed most of the time while running between rooms). I played mostly FOnewmn. Had several that i leveled to 100. Humars also. Never really played any thing else (Humars...
  8. FuryBull

    I can't believed that worked...

    I rearranged the enemies by area, this makes it easier to lookup IMO. It was 99% copy/paste so hopefully I didn't get anything out of order or in the wrong spots.
  9. FuryBull

    18 years ago today: Phantasy Star Online releases in the U.S.

    Definitely the game I spent the most time playing on my Dreamcast. My first Experience with an online game outside of C&C games. Also the reason I learned to type really fast with one hand.
  10. FuryBull

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Why are you able to join government quests mid-quest but not others? Is this a code/client issue or a gameplay/balance decision?
  11. FuryBull

    Concept of a fun, engaging "endgame" quest/event

    Spawns need to be randomized so people don't just memorize it and have the 3rd attack or freeze trap spooled up when the next wave comes. I like the idea of mobs spawning at set intervals. So that if you aren't killing them fast enough you can get overrun. instead of killing all of a wave...
  12. FuryBull

    Fun puns and jokes

    If I said I liked your Heavenly/body, would you hold it against me?
  13. FuryBull

    Pictures of your Weapon Loadout Order!

    I bet your party wouldn't even notice.
  14. FuryBull

    This months HBR, war of limits series.

    I like the HBR weeks that are multi-episode. doing 5 (long-ish) quests that are all in the same 2 areas is kinda... meh. Seems like most people are back to TTF or MAE spam.
  15. FuryBull

    Life without PSO would be no life at... well, probably more of a life actually

    Life without PSO would be no life at... well, probably more of a life actually
  16. FuryBull

    Quick question - Quick answer

    200 lvls and max ata is 191. Hucast has several levels he will not get any ata. Also, ata is the only stat that can be a decimal, so there are lvls where you get 0.5 ata, but it doesn't show up with the +stats on screen when you lvl...
  17. FuryBull

    Add Hit% to BARANZ or add % to Charge Arms?

    Photon Crystals can't be used on the charge arms. PC's are only used to add hit% to enemy part weapons. (and Black paper deal quests). Photon Drops/Photon Spheres are used to add %'s to N/A/M/D. Just use freeze traps/Rabarta or Spread/Arrest needle to stop everything THen mow'em down with...
  18. FuryBull

    The very best PSO review.

    Both the videos were pretty entertaining I thought.
  19. FuryBull

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Pros. Truckloads of atp. Cons. Do they matter when you have more base atp than most classes have max?
  20. FuryBull

    Events from 2018 and events from here on out

    This is my first event on the server, I just started in November. For me, id say have presents be a common drop, but keep the good stuff rare. ATM, they are rare enough that it feels pretty bad getting "dud" items from them. I'd also keep the items to useful/unique items. Maybe bad items...