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  1. tofuman

    Another way to save ID and Pass or fix that "cannot change resolution."

    Try running install.reg and then opening the options.
  2. tofuman

    How to get French PsoBB ?

    If anyone can provide the French assets we can look at adding them to ephinea. Same goes for any language.
  3. tofuman

    RIP: Prince Rogers Nelson

    damn. 2016 is turning out to be a depressing year.
  4. tofuman

    FIXED - Ignore

    I did change the code so that if ime support wasn't detected it would disable ime even if it was enabled in the launcher. Maybe it doesn't work too well on XP.
  5. tofuman

    Enemy HP Bar.

    It is something we could do. Although most enemies in psobb don't live long enough in my opinion for it to be too useful. Would be a nice feature though. Bosses would likely cause confusion. As alot of them have multi parts with their own hp.
  6. tofuman

    Creating a Quest with QEdit

    yeah using the cmode method will work okay. Seems that sega had some odd idea on how to implement floor switches and then fixed it for other areas and didn't bother going back to the forest to fix it. Which is probably also the reason for the head ache that is obj room id's. would be nice if...
  7. tofuman

    Creating a Quest with QEdit

    It is something that occurs in the forest. I found this also many moons ago. There may be a work around you can do. I'll take another look too
  8. tofuman


    As NDW says. Stackable scape dolls also cause issues with the client so very unlikely we'll ever do this.
  9. tofuman

    Quests...? Most useful ones?

    Some people hate them but I'd recommend the government quests.
  10. tofuman

    Game not starting

    Maybe your video card driver stopped working. Normally a restart fixes that. I've seen buggy programs that utilize directx crash the video card driver. You'll find it logged in the event viewer. Or it could be a buggy driver. If it occurs again I'd recommend getting the latest WHQL driver for...
  11. tofuman

    Cant connect but i see others online

    When you launch the game does it say !DLLERROR! In the bottom left?
  12. tofuman

    Creating a Quest with QEdit

    Great write up. Very detailed. Just a bit of info on the forest doors. The value is actually made up of 2 bytes. one is the number displayed on the door in the game and the other is the door ID for example if the door ID is 1852 in hex that is 0x073c. So would show the number 7 (0x07) (in pso...
  13. tofuman

    Comment by 'tofuman' in media 'Red boxes'

    Just one of the modifications to the PSOBB client i've made. Soon to be a part of the ephinea client.
  14. Red boxes

    Red boxes

  15. tofuman

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    Where are my red boxes? Oh there they are.
  16. tofuman

    Generic PSOBB Widescreen Launcher

    That'll be a typo. The launcher doesn't support 21:9 so its probably using a resolution of 2560x1440. And if the resolution isn't supported the game will just instantly close. I don't have a setup that could test either resolution though. But adding any resolution is simple enough. I just have...
  17. tofuman

    Soly's Stash

    Probably easiest way to add to a an effect to a weapon would be to assign it in the ranged special table and then add to the client accordingly. (TBH there may already be an effect preset that would suit the needs) I made my ItemPMT editor back in 2012 with scalability in mind. So adding...
  18. tofuman

    New /x command Idea

    Whats wrong with selling the items to the shop?
  19. tofuman

    Playing through steamlink

    Its probably trying to emulate a controller driver that isn't supported by PSOBB. You may find a 3rd party fix for it though.
  20. tofuman

    Playing through steamlink

    It looks like only the "Steam Controller" is fully supported across Steam link. Many report the same issue with various games. Are you in range of the PC? maybe connect the receiver to the PC hosting the game?