Search results

  1. tofuman

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Sega should have made an anime about the Phantasy star universe and not about playing the game. I know they wanted to make it about PSO2 so to promote the game. But there's a good story in PSO. It could have covered Coral and Pioneer1 moving on to Pioneer2 and even the hinted Pioneer3. There's...
  2. tofuman

    Photon sphere drop

    This isn't going to happen. generally any change that is only to make the game easier isn't likely to happen.
  3. tofuman

    Photon Blast command for sandbox

    As we've said before. We see all suggestions. We don't need to respond, especially within 1 day. If anything takes our fancy we will consider adding to the game.
  4. tofuman

    Power Maser Combo Unlock

    No weapons will be combo unlocked. Soda and myself discussed Combo unlocking weapons when we started this server. We ultimately decided against it. A search on the forum would return our responses on unlocking weapons. Unlocking weapons has a knock on affect. Stats may need to be adjusted to...
  5. tofuman

    Hello there !

    You'll find the latency lower on the EU server. But on fodra it plays fine from the EU. Fodra has the most users so probably preferred for newbies. If you find yourself playing solo your best to play on a server with the lowest latency. You can use /ping to get your latency to the server.
  6. tofuman

    What anime are you currently watching?

    I've been watching aggretsuko on netflix :D
  7. tofuman

    unlock tickets and coins limit?

    Limits can be increased by changing where they are stored. Sega's quests use 0x00 - 0x0F global flags and there are 6 unused by sega. we could of course alter the game to give us even more. It would require changes to the quests also. That all being said. We're not going to change it.
  8. tofuman

    Bank organization

    I'll close this thread for now. I have a few ideas about implementing filtering the bank using the prev/next buttons. So I may implement something in the future.
  9. tofuman

    Discord Rich Presence?

    I'm going to lock this thread for now. It'll be on my "nice to have" list.
  10. tofuman

    I can't buy Team points

    Reinstall won't help as this menu is constructed from the server.
  11. tofuman

    Discord Rich Presence?

    I'm in the middle of working on a few things for ephinea at the moment so I'd have to look at this after.
  12. tofuman

    error 0xc000007b

    You can try enabling "LOW PERFORMANCE" this should reduce the cpu load
  13. tofuman

    error 0xc000007b

    What's your OS? Definitely do not download some crap app to repair errors. Unless it's from Microsoft.
  14. tofuman

    Option.exe NOT Responding

    It could be a vista issue but don't have vista to test with.
  15. tofuman

    Expand inventory ?

    I've played around with this before quite a few years ago now. It was something interesting to try out but I felt it would have too many knock on affects that it wouldn't be a good idea to do. In short I can't see us doing this. Same goes for increasing bank size.
  16. tofuman

    Option.exe NOT Responding

    As I've stated before. Program files is a protected system folder. So it will probably need to be run as admin (when it really doesn't need to). Try moving/copying your EphineaPSO folder to your desktop and try running from there. You could turn the UAC to minimum in user settings in control...
  17. tofuman

    DS4 Controller Support Bug Introduced

    You need to emulate a Xbox 360 controller. Up being held has always been a thing with ds4 and pso when using a USB cable. Install inputmapper (additional app for ds4) and make sure you select emulate Xbox 360 controller.
  18. tofuman

    Option.exe NOT Responding

    What operating system are you running? Also like I said options wont bring up a dialog without the correct switch. If you can't bring up the original options.exe with the switch 1095189843 then you are probably not entering it correctly. Maybe a simpler method is: Open your Ephinea Folder Hold...
  19. tofuman

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Ditto. Its the reason for my game name. I also own an AE86 ( but not because of the anime. I probably like the anime more because if it )
  20. tofuman

    Option.exe NOT Responding

    You need to use it as an argument. Create a shortcut to option.exe edit the shortcut and add that after the exe.