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  1. tofuman

    Post your vehicle!

    Having driven my brothers ITR dc2 many times I can confidently say that it is by far the best handling fwd car I've driven. And having also driven many rwd cars can say that it kicks alot of rwd butt too. Although his is far from standard now pretty much 100% spoon parts. suspension arms...
  2. tofuman

    Is PSO old to you? (Sandbox mode added!)

    Try's made a real nice app which allowed you to free roam with the camera in pso. The player stayed in place though. But was great for screenshots. When he re-emerges ill see if he wants to publicly release it.
  3. tofuman

    What's the story behind your name?

    Being heavily into modifying japanese cars in my late teens and throughout my 20's and owning an AE86. My name comes from being a fan of Anime and of course Initial D. For those that don't know Initial D's main character is Takumi. Takumi's father, Bunta had also been referred to as "Tofuman"...
  4. tofuman

    .PR2 and .PR3 Files

    Use my prc tool for pr2. Pr3 is prs so you can use the prs util. (or vise versa)
  5. tofuman

    Is PSO old to you? (Sandbox mode added!)

    Regarding pmts. As the server loads the pmt its possible we could make a copy of the pmt buffer then loop through and set all equip flags to allow everyone to equip. Which could be sent to sandbox users. That would save the trouble of maintaining 2 pmts
  6. tofuman

    Post your vehicle!

    Turbo charged the NA SR? DETs are readily available in the UK at cheap prices too. So would have just swapped out the engine. Aren't sr20det's common there? 400hp on stock internals is fine on a sr20det.
  7. tofuman

    Post your vehicle!

    I used to run 9.5:1 many moons ago on my daily driver. Although it wasn't running crazy power. Was around 22psi. But I think with today's modern direct injection systems it wouldn't surprise me if it'll be perfectly fine at 30psi. Worst case run e85 :D Although I go for billet internals over...
  8. tofuman

    Is PSO old to you? (Sandbox mode added!)

    Nice to see you got it working. So much better than emulating key presses.
  9. tofuman

    Correct. Tlh was also based on the lost series. If you opened the quest in qedit you'll see how...

    Correct. Tlh was also based on the lost series. If you opened the quest in qedit you'll see how similar it is to the lost quests. This quest was known as edens saviour on edenserv.
  10. tofuman

    There's some pretty strong traps in the caves too. Which can catch Davven out.

    There's some pretty strong traps in the caves too. Which can catch Davven out.
  11. tofuman

    Thanks. Glad you liked it.

    Thanks. Glad you liked it.
  12. tofuman

    Coren's List

    Cure/Paralysis is in friday's table on the server. We've made some changes to the items so may need to update Matt's original post.
  13. tofuman

    Post your vehicle!

    Car: Engine Bay: ... CN0082.JPG for some reason I can't find an image with the air filter installed Video:
  14. tofuman

    List of Tech Boosts

    Sega locked a lot of items. Have been unlocked for years now. Here is a few that I know of (bear in mind this doesn't mean that they are available currently on ephinea): 006E00 GAME MAGAZNE 00AD00 RAGE DE FEU (Tempest) 00AD01 RAGE DE FEU (Freeze) 00AD02 RAGE DE FEU (Hell?) 00D000 UNKNOWN3 (RA...
  15. tofuman

    45h charge mechguns in shop

    Yeah dynamically generated shop items is the best way to go about it. Unfortunately as with alot of the BB server side things we have to try to emulate how sega did things without actually seeing how they did it.
  16. tofuman

    45h charge mechguns in shop

    Thanks for the report. We'll add conditions to prevent it.
  17. tofuman

    Generic PSOBB Widescreen Launcher

    If the issues only occurs when using the widescreen launcher I doubt the DLL is at fault. Maybe something is causing a delay on the rendering. Do you have something that is putting an overlay in the game? I had issues with ATI's Catalyst installer which installed some game recording software (I...
  18. tofuman


    It's good to see that PSO is still bringing new interests. Welcome.
  19. tofuman

    Oh no, that guy!

    Howdy Kireek. I regularly check in on your blog. Keep up the good work.
  20. tofuman

    MAXIMUM ATTACK 1 Ver2: getting Heart with less than 10,000 points

    The MA1 quest uses the same flags which are used in MA4 so kills made in MA4 will also count towards it. This is caused by having the MA event quests available all times. We could have the ship ignore the global flag updates for these flags when events aren't on i guess.