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  1. ZER0 DX

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Translation on it is making good progress at least, but who knows when they'll end up releasing it. I played it all in moon when it came out, pretty solid title as far as gameplay goes. I'm honestly surprised there's still a dedicated Japanese GeoCities page of all things, but hey just means...
  2. ZER0 DX

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Oh damn that's a pretty neat resource, thanks bro. Time to throw Rico into the Arks. PSP2 Infinity fucked up the timeline anyway and made her not become the Falz so why not. It's canon now.
  3. ZER0 DX

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Dumb question and for a dumb reason, what was Red Ring Rico's Section ID? I'm inclined to assume it was the same as Flowen's, which was Whitill, based on that being the only ID her glasses and earrings drop on... and RICO TYRELL also comes up Whitill on the pre-BB ID calculator too but I just...
  4. ZER0 DX

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Yeah, I remember someone I played with a long time ago (Waks maybe?) had a Rambling May while using a V101 on a FOmarl and the attack speed animation was absolutely insane.
  5. ZER0 DX

    About time!

    I've been enjoying Zestiria a lot so far, but the battle camera is absolute ass when it's against a solid object. I heard about that being an issue when Japan got it on PS3, but I thought they said something about fixing that problem for the PS4 and PC version and I guess they never did. Oh...
  6. ZER0 DX

    Favorite Period of PSO?

    2006-2009 EN PSU and 2009-2012 JP PSU. Still miss that damn game. Although 2005-2006 PSO GC and 2006-2008 PSO BB on SCHT was pretty cool too. You know, before everything turned to shit.
  7. ZER0 DX

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I don't affix. Makes the game a lot less of a chore. Granted, I don't affix because it's complicated as fuck and if I can't figure out how to do that shit after 3 years then it's not worth doing. I'll just buy weapons that are pre-affixed from player shops if I really need to or just use what I...
  8. ZER0 DX

    Gotta be someone who appreciates steak around here...

    Well done for me, I like my meat cooked until I can't tell it used to be a living creature. Apparently that's a cardinal sin to most people, but I like my meals without the side of E Coli.
  9. ZER0 DX

    What Games Are You Playing?

    My RNG with PSO2 is ridiculously stupid. For all the Gal Gryphon's I hunted during the LQ Event, Beach Wars 3 EM, and now the Kuron EM, I have not gotten a single 13* and have only seen the rare Gryphon three times. I bought one of the ugly poverty 13* Double Sabers from the Gold badge trade in...
  10. ZER0 DX

    Fabulous Jazz Hands Intro

    I was wondering when you'd pop back up. I'll need a leveling buddy anyway for when I eventually get around to making an account. It'll happen soon I swear. Also don't mind me being 20 days late to the reintroduction party, I suck at being consistent with my web browsing habits.
  11. ZER0 DX

    Can I set the game to not kick me back to the lobby after every quest?

    You wouldn't get kicked out to the lobby after clearing a quest if you were playing offline mode or in splitscreen multiplayer in any of the prior versions of PSO. I'm not actually sure how that worked out to be honest.
  12. ZER0 DX

    So, I was in the area

    And just thought I'd drop by. Not sure if I'll be playing much (if at all) since PSO2 and a huge backlog of other games are already eating up what little free time I have these days, but I'll be around. I'm already seeing quite a few familiar names popping up and I needed another PSO forum to...