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  1. ZER0 DX

    What do you find difficult in PSO?

    Playing the game.
  2. ZER0 DX

    Not buying a Nintendo Switch lmaooo.... Fuck off Nintendo.

    Two seconds on google could have saved you a headache, it's pretty well documented. Skyward Sword was terrible anyway. Edit: I take that back, I'd rather play though Skyward Sword and the CDi games a million times than ever play though the abominations of Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks...
  3. ZER0 DX

    Not buying a Nintendo Switch lmaooo.... Fuck off Nintendo.

    It baffles me to think this is even that much of a problem. If you fucked up and deleted your own save that's all on you, the only exception is if the save corrupted from a game breaking bug. System bound saves have been around for ages and isn't anything new at all. Sounds like a lot of people...
  4. ZER0 DX

    Pokemon sun/moon thread

    Porygon-Z with Z-Conversion has been working wonders for me lately, that thing's been in my party since Gen 4 so nice to see it get a cool upgrade without being locked down to choice scarf. I just wish that shiny No Guard Lycanroc I caught was actually viable outside looking like a boss. Bank...
  5. ZER0 DX

    How many people interested in the Nintendo Switch?

    3rd party support is only worth it if they're going to make worthwhile exclusive games for the system. Most 3rd party stuff is multi platform these days and if I want to play one of those games I'd rather get them on my PC. Social stuff I know I'm in the minority but I really don't care about...
  6. ZER0 DX

    How many people interested in the Nintendo Switch?

    Pre-ordered the moment it went up. I'm guess I'm hopeless but they showed games that I was personally interested in that are all coming out in the first year so it only made sense. I wasn't shafted by the Wii U personally outside it's horribly darkened and blurry virtual console. I physically...
  7. ZER0 DX

    What's the story behind your name?

    Oh for sure, but even then it's too easy to get found out anyway. People have certain posting tendencies and unless you manage to completely change your online personality it wouldn't take long for someone to figure it out. I've made my fair share of mistakes but they haven't driven me to the...
  8. ZER0 DX

    What's the story behind your name?

    You know when you're a dumb teenager at the time and you want to make a user name sound "cool" so you steal the name Zero from Mega Man X and modify it into a nonsensical acronym like "Z-Type Energy Resouce #0 Deluxe" to pretend like there was a shred of originality? Yeah that. It's just become...
  9. ZER0 DX

    Valentine's Day Event & New Quests

    I think I even still have the original MSB quest file before any changes were made to it somewhere. That's probably an even bigger abomination of scripting. Didn't Cry0 originally make that (and ANH) for GC anyway? I remember when Schthack first put it up on BB that quest was barely functional...
  10. ZER0 DX

    PSO is alive?!

    It's not PSO without Nugz's Ninja character floating above the lobby counter with a black arrow overhead. Good times.
  11. ZER0 DX

    Huge announcement..

    I did get a laugh looking at that old forum again, they actually bothered to remove me from the GM group on there years after it was closed off.
  12. ZER0 DX

    AGDQ 2016

    I forgot what sleep was like. Thanks AGDQ.
  13. ZER0 DX

    Xenoblade Chronicles X

    Trying to play through this myself, I'm only on Chapter 3, trying to take on too many side quests at once, all the while exploring as much as I can, and I still don't really understand the combat system that much resulting in lots of bullshit deaths. It's a little overwhelming but it'll probably...
  14. ZER0 DX

    How do /you/ control this game personally?

    Re: How do you control this game? Good lord might as well map PSO to an Atari 2600 Joystick at that point and call it a day.
  15. ZER0 DX

    Xenoblade Chronicles X

    SO4 was great in that it made me believe Japan just consults deviantart OC's for character names.
  16. ZER0 DX

    How do /you/ control this game personally?

    Re: How do you control this game? All it's good for these days is Smash Bros. I still like it for what it was though and I couldn't imagine playing my Gamecube and even some Wii games without it, but it really can't hold up to modern controllers. Sony and Microsoft have only had to make minor...
  17. ZER0 DX

    How do /you/ control this game personally?

    Re: How do you control this game? It's also missing way too many buttons to be used properly with absolutely any other games.
  18. ZER0 DX

    How do /you/ control this game personally?

    Re: How do you control this game? To be fair, micro USB cables absorb most of the shock damage from the action of plugging and unplugging the cable into any medium that uses them. That's why the cables tend to need more frequent replacement, the pins that lock them in place are what usually go...
  19. ZER0 DX

    How do /you/ control this game personally?

    Re: How do you control this game? You don't, you just stick a micro USB cable into it and the other end into the PC and away you go after the driver installs. Just don't bother getting the wireless receiver for it unless you're on Windows 10. It only works on that terrible OS so I'm stuck...
  20. ZER0 DX

    How do /you/ control this game personally?

    Re: How do you control this game? Xbone controller. I use it on every PC game I play. Used to use a 360 controller prior to that until the deadzones on the sticks got completely trashed from overuse.