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  1. Cookie


  2. Cookie

    Sange's Tradelist (Closed)

    Interested in: Fatsia [0/0/0/0|50] - 1 PD Fatsia [0/0/0/0|50] - 1 PD Shouren [0/0/0/0|30] - 3 PD Slicer of Fanatic [0/0/0/0|30] - 5 PD PM me when you have time to meet.
  3. Cookie

    Jbangalanga's Shop (Updated 11/3/24)

    Interested in: Shouren [0/0/0/0|30] - 2PD Slicer of Fanatic [0/0/0/0|30] - 5PD Frozen Shooter [0/0/0/0|30] - 5PD PM me when you have time to meet.
  4. Cookie


    Want to buy 1x Vivienne and 2x Type Shot: Vivienne [0/0/0/0|30] - 1 PD TypeSH/Shot [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] - 1 PD TypeSH/Shot [Charge] [0/0/0/0|40] - 1 PD PM me when you have time to meet.
  5. Cookie

    Lack of HC economy...

    With the recent PD discussion, here are some changes I was thinking about. #1 Raise PD drop rate in proportion to RDR. That would be 1.3/1000 = 1/769* #2 Slightly raise rarity for Scapedolls. #3 Stop giving away stuff for free. If HC players want an economy, they need to build one themselfs...
  6. Cookie

    I love seasons to death, but there's a feeling of frustration.

    Seasons is more and more "dead" because the reward shop was still not announced. People think there's PS for reaching level 150 and that's it. Now there's a debate that potentially means a huge price drop for PS in the future, making it not worth people's time anymore.
  7. Cookie

    Solomode Quests and Photon Drop Increase

    Do I think most gamers nowadays are a bunch of whiney p****** who just want stuff easy? I sure do. Can't get stuff easy? Change the rules until they can, instead of adapting and getting better. I'm still ok with finding some kind of middle ground though, I'm not that stubborn. I'm just not a...
  8. Cookie

    Solomode Quests and Photon Drop Increase

    For me it's always just people like you or Matt saying there's a lack of PDs. Otherwise I never really hear/read anyone complaining. Sure, there were maybe a handful of players who complained about it in my PSO past, but I never took anyone of them serious. They just complained like "can't buy...
  9. Cookie

    Solomode Quests and Photon Drop Increase

    Just to clarify: #1 If I ever find an item worth sphering, I will do that. #2 When talking about sphering I do not have the average player in mind. This is for elite players, who don't have anything else to do, so they start sphering. By making spheres cheaper, those players will either vanish...
  10. Cookie

    Solomode Quests and Photon Drop Increase

    You guys complained quite a lot in the past about too many people playing solo, so I guess your opinions changed on that matter? Giving players more options, I can understand... This doesn't really affect many quests though, since most of them are already available in solo, despite Max Attack...
  11. Cookie

    OMG this is so cool XD

    OMG this is so cool XD
  12. Cookie

    Red Ring RDR in Seasons feels imbalanced.

    I'm with Spuz on this one. Few years back RR wasn't even available and now people can't even survive 3 months without it?
  13. Cookie

    NPC Bank and item shop in quest room Episode 1&4

    Sure, there is a lot of conveniet stuff you can do / change, but I think at one point we should all ask ourselfs: "What is PSO?" Because I think there are a lot of tiny details, most people aren't aware of, that make PSO the game we love. If you want to go all in with convenient changes, then...
  14. Cookie

    Purist becoming a permanent character mode

    Another account type would be too much imo. Just make classic drops return as an alternative dropstyle (not primary) and merge that with /purist. So once you select classic drops, there won't be any daily, weekly or HBR boosts.
  15. Cookie

    Purist becoming a permanent character mode

    Could have kept Classic drops and just make PSO2 drops default, so new characters will have PSO2 drops preselected instead of Classic. Keep Classic drops as a second option.
  16. Cookie

    Launcher option for screenshot output format (jpg, png, bmp)

    Sometimes I would like to have (visually) uncompressed screenshots without any jpeg artifacts. Would be cool if there was a launcher option to decide on an output format or an ingame command like "/screenshot (jpg|png|bmp)".
  17. Cookie

    NSA search triggered: school+kill

    NSA search triggered: school+kill
  18. Cookie

    Writing PASM quest scripts in a text editor.

    Writing scripts in qedit can be annoying in 2018 (imo), so I wanted to make that a bit easier for me and hopefully for some of you guys, too. What I did: Syntax highlighting in Notepad++. Parser and syntax checker in python, that will "convert" scripts into an import friendly format for...
  19. Cookie

    Creating a Quest with QEdit

    Ah sweet, I got the obvious spacing right (1tab being 4spaces, which is kinda standard etcetc.). But turns out after every command that doesn't have any parameters (ret, mesend, sync,...) you have to add a space. Otherwise that command will be deleted, even though the initial import looks fine.
  20. Cookie

    Creating a Quest with QEdit

    One serious question: Are you guys honestly scripting in qedit? Cause I thought I'd be smart and write that stuff in a text editor and then import my script, but it turns out when I save it (looks fine), close and restart qedit and load my quest, some stuff has gone missing. Is there a best...