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  1. Andy

    Disable Pad Buttons?

    you can build the dependency into the application. It's what i did for my pso things
  2. Andy

    Bullying culture

    so much vague-ness in this thread, and yet there isn't really anyting going on in the forums or in-game. It's all discord drama from what I can see and that should stay in discord. JUST MY OPINION MAN ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Andy

    Bullying culture

    hi pls no bully everyone pls share 10 nice messages or never be visited by the fat fomarl again
  4. Andy

    PS4 Pro anyone?

    Still waiting for that overwatch carry :confused:
  5. Andy

    Andy's Item, Mag, & Unseal Shop! Making Ragol Great Again!

    As discussed, these are already gone due to me making a new FO for the race (which i have since basically dropped out of :oops:) Also asuka sold. Techs and mats still need recounting.
  6. Andy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    No. I hacked the server to drop all presents from all games directly into my banks. Sorry.
  7. Andy

    How do area maps work (i.e. how does QEdit visualize areas)?

    ezpz lemon squeezy
  8. Andy

    haiku thread

    Not five seven five Get that weak shit outta here Reported and banned
  9. Andy

    psoqi, a tool for extracting enemy counts and other information from quest files

    wow i read it and it completely didn't register. my bad :oops:
  10. Andy

    psoqi, a tool for extracting enemy counts and other information from quest files

    Do you have a github page or anything for this?
  11. Andy

    haiku thread

    Killed Whitill Tollaw Oh look! A banner appeared! Some Joe in Block 2 :mad:
  12. Andy

    The most annoying random crash ever!

    I see you've discovered sega-coding. Welcome to pso :rolleyes:
  13. Andy

    HUnewearl stat-maxing help

    I'd go adept + v101 That way you're not stuck with BOVN as your only armour, and you can swap between something like aura field and sacred cloth without losing the attack speed (or having to use an extra slot to get that speed back). That leaves you with 2 free slots, 1 of which will 99% most...
  14. Andy

    Scoob's Guide To Pure Mathematics

  15. Andy

    Recurring Nightmare

  16. Andy

    Disable Pad Buttons?

    well looks like i'm not needed afterall. skylar managed to duct-tape something together with TWENTY BUILDS
  17. Andy

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    >acting as if 29 runs is a lot
  18. Andy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Hi i am mag farmer. I have pre-built mags Coming Soon ™ (aka 2 satos)
  19. Andy

    Disable Pad Buttons?

    ohi i didn't see this before sorry fam