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  1. Andy


  2. Andy

    Trying to figure out a few things.

    See in-line
  3. Andy

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    I'll give you a pd if those items survive to the end of the month :wacko:
  4. Andy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    uhhh A E S T H E T I C S are a BIG difference, not just "only" jcutter > slicer by a long shot
  5. Andy

    To the streamers out there.

    I might have improved the fps since then :eek: But I don't play pso very much anymore :rolleyes:
  6. Andy

    To the streamers out there.

    I streamed once with trash music and no commentary :wacko: I'd call that a success.
  7. Andy

    PS4 Pro anyone?

    #RealPS4sHaveCurves #DownWithThinPrivilege
  8. Andy

    PSOBB Addon Plugin (Lua UI addons)

    Why are you item reading in sandbox :confused:
  9. Andy

    PSOBB Addon Plugin (Lua UI addons)

    where did you find ++/-- units?
  10. Andy

    So which class would win in a "canon" fight among themselves?

    hucat Can out-jellen/zalure humar with sranks Access to OP freeze traps (unless you are @Ryan ) Official mascot is Kireek who is yet to be impressed by a measly fleshy (especially by a humar who he has to CARRY THROUGH FOREST 1 OF THE VERY FIRST QUEST EVER) Still more ATP than fomarl even if...
  11. Andy

    Scoob's Guide To Pure Mathematics

    Well, fuck. We're gonna be waiting for that tablet forever.
  12. Andy

    Andy's Item, Mag, & Unseal Shop! Making Ragol Great Again!

    Sure, if i'm ever on again :rolleyes: Needles are 1-2 each. Beaks you can just donate whatever you want (or nothing!)
  13. Andy

    Scoob's Guide To Pure Mathematics

  14. Andy

    Best MKB Hunt?

    I've heard dolmolms research is good. Haven't actually played it myself tho...:rolleyes:
  15. Andy

    Option.EXE (Fix did not work for me)

    Have you tried running online.exe and changing the options from there? I'm not sure if running options.exe directly is the right way to change things.
  16. Andy

    Andy's Item, Mag, & Unseal Shop! Making Ragol Great Again!

    Brave Hammers, Caduceus, Heavenly/Arms and Heavenly/Battle sold. baamp
  17. Andy

    Servers Full

    Means your anti-virus or some other program is not allowing pso to update. Add the entire Ephinea folder to your whitelist and try again.
  18. Andy

    Andy's Item, Mag, & Unseal Shop! Making Ragol Great Again!

    Satos are about 5-6 pd each Spread needles make an offer. Not really sure on the price. 2-3 pd total?
  19. Andy

    Andy's Item, Mag, & Unseal Shop! Making Ragol Great Again!

    wao so many mags sold last month! Reverser bump
  20. Andy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    You need to be in a team to be able to use the dressing room, and to unlock Point of Disaster, as well as a few other less important things