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  1. Andy

    problem with the character swap

    From the link you posted: Have you tried this?
  2. Andy

    Selfie thread.

    and yet you didn't visit me :C
  3. Andy

    Magatama : a Modern Mag Planner/Calculator [ BETA 9 ]

    It's a feature to try and finally make someone quit pso.
  4. Andy

    Hi, Remember that one time i complained about VOIP bugging out my toaster-pc? Turns out it...

    Hi, Remember that one time i complained about VOIP bugging out my toaster-pc? Turns out it wasnt VOIP It was just my toaster-pc and my goldfish memory. Pls add VOIP again kthxbyeluvu PS: Miss you honeybooboo...
  5. Andy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    There has only been 1 item given out for milestones that was near the beginning when it was introduced.
  6. Andy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Take SJS as example: DAR: 80% Rare rate: 0.00992% Convert the %s into numbers: DAR: 0.8 Rare rate: 0.0000992 Multiply them together and invert the answer 0.8 * 0.0000992 = 0.00007936 0.00007936^(-1) = 12600.806 12600.806 is your x value in the 1/x form (Actual rate is 12603.08. The web page...
  7. Andy

    Recons with no aggro.

    You're all hackers. It's like playing minesweeper when I go into seabeds :mad:
  8. Andy


  9. Andy

    Not loud or dressed enough. You need to be yelling when channeling your inner a-MEI-zing...

    Not loud or dressed enough. You need to be yelling when channeling your inner a-MEI-zing fighting spirit.
  10. Andy

    Selfie thread.

    slap his ass back and invite him over to join me and my FO
  11. Andy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    So after reading again, it seems me and Soly were saying the same thing just in different ways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. Andy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    yeah, but then you're left with "what happens when pow == dex?" from what i understood, this falls under the same evolution path as pow > dex, making it into pow >= dex
  13. Andy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Wasn't it debunked somewhere that it's actually pow >= dex?
  14. Andy

    Team Vietnam

    After all that commotion about quitting after you earned the flag too...
  15. Andy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Valkyrie, but female only(?) Excal kinda if you use tellusis thatsaboutitithink?
  16. Andy

    Malicious glitching

    Is the quest uploaded anywhere?
  17. Andy

    Valentines Event + HBR

  18. Andy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I would test that last point in sandbox mode as well, because that doesn't sound right. Items tekked down to 0% hit still show hit on the stats page, which might indicate it's still "being used" even tho it's 0. It should behave similar to the machine you tekked down.
  19. Andy


    BEEhind ffs you had the perfect opportunity.
  20. Andy

    Quick question - Quick answer

    bookmark it