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  1. G

    GunvoltEXE has arrived!

    Welcome, fellow EXE member Gunvolt. Love the art! ... No, I do not know him. But welcome nonetheless!
  2. G


    Welcome! Perfect person to be here. Hope you enjoy the server!
  3. G

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    Finally hit level 20 last night Got this right before starting my Hard Mode run too, making things a LOT easier! Leveling should be, and is a breeze now. (I didn't discover it until I was already in my Hard Mode run a little) I also noticed that there is a 700x525 limit on picture sizes...
  4. G

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    Here's my playlist of my PSO: BB playthrough in Ephinea if you guys are bored and want to kill (so far) six hours. While I might still be posting full episodes/streams in this playlist, I will make a separate playlist for certain highlights and milestones and post them here...
  5. G

    Best ID for each class?

    I did forget about that. Redria is indeed good for getting Armor Drops and some exclusive Slot Units (God/Battle), which is good for everyone. Same applies for Yellowboze in regards to Meseta and I guess enemy parts (although I never really use those haha). I'm sadly not familiar with Episode 4...
  6. G

    What Games Are You Playing?

    When I join different communities, I like to make little topics like this to see what other people are doing besides what is focused on the community. In this case, I like to see what other people are playing besides PSO! At the moment, I've been focusing a lot on Pokemon Shuffle on the 3DS and...
  7. G

    Control settings...

    Very nice feature. Thank you, Sodaboy!
  8. G

    Best ID for each class?

    Purplenum is a good class for some exclusive drops. I personally went with Yellowboze to get a little balance of everything, since I love Shot/Spread weapons and Purplenum makes those a bit rarer. I also heard that Yellowboze has a higher chance to drop Hit % weapons, so that's another thing...
  9. G

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Assuming I remember correctly, I'm going to assume that is the max damage God's Punishment deals if you are practically next to him. From what I recall, the further away you are from Olga Flow when he uses the move, the less damage it deals, or if you are simply far away enough from it, then you...
  10. G

    Let's Play PSO! ... Again!?

    I really enjoy the vanilla experience and playing the game it was meant to play. I feel like keeping tradition to those standards would make me enjoy the game more than a bunch of random quests and features. Glad to be on board.
  11. G

    Let's Play PSO! ... Again!?

    Hey Gnome! Thank you for advertising this server to me. I await to see what's on it! I've added the link stream for you and Tofuman. Speaking of which, glad to see that there is someone that recognizes me! I'll be doing a test quality stream probably at the end of my work shift since...
  12. G

    Let's Play PSO! ... Again!?

    Hello all, GospelEXE here! A few of you might know me from my YouTube LP, which I believe was the first one around at its time six and a half years ago (has it really been that long?) Lately I've been taking up a live stream on the GC version, but a few people were saying "Hey, you should play...