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  1. Cyb3r_ZER0

    S-rank price fixing.

    I don't really think you can stop this sort of behavior. While I don't exactly agree with 20pds, the community willingly orders S-ranks from the guys who own a monopoly on these things because they lack the ability to do it themselves. They are choosing to pay for their service. The options are...
  2. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Happy to be back at it!

    Welcome to Ephinea!
  3. Cyb3r_ZER0


    202 kills from about 4min(taking in walking and room create) when I do MASe4 up to first Girta. Stack that with 3 other unsealing units and you can get a lot of kills in. BtH may give you more kills but costs meseta.
  4. Cyb3r_ZER0


    I agree, units aren't even as bad as unsealing weapons since you could stack up more limiters or lores to unseal together. 15pds for unsealing limiter is pretty lol. Would rather buy 2 limiters at that price.
  5. Cyb3r_ZER0

    C mode anyone?

    Then ditch H and go play N mode.
  6. Cyb3r_ZER0

    WTB>PSO2 model swaps.

    WTB>PSO2 model swaps.
  7. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Shifta/Deband Mag worth it on Hunewearl?

    I usually joke around with @NDW and call his mag floating windpipes. :p Is that the sort of harassment you want for your mag?
  8. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Passing which mats to reset

    I believe the /matreset function is already good enough as it is because it already penalizes you for screwing up without having to remake the character. I feel that taking away the mats freely will make stat builds not as permanent because a person could swap between BoVN builds and regular...
  9. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Old schthack player

    Welcome to Ephinea! -NDW
  10. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Ephinea Picture/Video Topic

    They picked it up and didn't bother finding it odd, strange.
  11. Cyb3r_ZER0


    Stack-able scapes is just ridiculously unbalanced. While the guys suggesting probably were thinking of storing it in bank easier, it can be abused because it only costs one slot. There would be like no reason not to carry all your scapes with you ever in HC mode.
  12. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Finally made it!

    Hey, welcome to Ephinea! I'm sure you will find a liking to a lot of the quality of life changes they made on here to make that online portion much better.
  13. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Game crashing in PoD Sandpit Room

    wow, for an official quest this sounds like a sloppy mistake.
  14. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Game crashing in PoD Sandpit Room
  15. Cyb3r_ZER0

    PC>L&K38 COMBAT [0/0/0/20|35]

    I'd value it closer to @Anime's guesstimate. While combo locked is sorta meh, 35Hit is at that fairly decent amount that in my opinion justifies a higher price due to rarity. Maybe 7-8 if you ask me. This goes for @honeydrew too.
  16. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Enemy HP Bar.

    They probably could if its bosses like the dragons or Gal Gryphon that have multiple parts but one giant HP bar but it is probably more complicated for the ones that get destroyed parts like De Rol Le or Vol Opts. I think making it toggleable would be a good idea since I think part of the fun is...
  17. Cyb3r_ZER0


    Sometimes when I make a room, it displays my actual total exp (leader-board amount). Then when I kill just one mob, the exp reverts and stays at the max exp capped at Lv200. Minor but would be cool to have the exp displaying properly to see how much exp you wasted.
  18. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Soly's Stash

    It does, the new music disks are registered as Unknown Items. But that is such a minor thing, I am already thankful that you made this Inv/Bank Reader.
  19. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Quick question - Quick answer

    You want HP more than resist because attacks like Falz slap are set damage. His grants should be doing less damage where you shouldn't really have to worry as much as the slap. Resists would lower that though if you wanted. HP unit>resist
  20. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Quick question - Quick answer

    If I want multiple copies, shop is probably best anyway.