Search results

  1. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Gold Badge from drops confirmed. Wasted stats.
  2. Cyb3r_ZER0

    What was it previously?

    What was it previously?
  3. Cyb3r_ZER0

    PC> Jizai (0/0/0/15|35)

    Either a 30 Hit FS or an MKB :rolleyes:
  4. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Buff wish list, what would you like to see get better?

    Mille Marteaux 3->9 Divine Punishment with no DMC. Not what you would call low end gear though lol.
  5. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    No tekk or inventory screenshot probably means no hit to share.
  6. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Phantasy Star General (PSG) [Dissolved]

    What a rare specimen.
  7. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Q: about price checks

    There is no definitive price for most items because unlike most games, the rarest drops don't equate to the best, nor do they fall behind a "you can only kill it once every week syndrome". You cannot always rely on others to price check for you either. Some people value item X at 50PDs and to...
  8. Cyb3r_ZER0

    PC > Froozer 20%h

    Once upon a time, I paid 15PDs for a 30Hit Frozen Shooter.
  9. Cyb3r_ZER0

    PC> Baranz launcher and Cannon Rouge

    Baranz Launcher 3PDs Cannon Rouge 3-4PDs
  10. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Question about V801

    I bought both of mine for 10 and 15. Just don't buy it when people overcharge really. With the Ep4 Drop Chart change, it is even easier as it comes off more IDs and now off a Zu too. Price really should have been stable or tad lower from supply but people like to overpay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You see the...
  11. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Sealed J-Sword

    OP asked for no stats though.
  12. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Sealed J-Sword

    2.5-3 stacks imo. I bought mine for 3 but that had 20N. It is easy to say 5 stacks and play into the placebo hype of the item but when it comes time to actually pay the price, I think many people will find that pretty steep.
  13. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    @Antonymous @NDW
  14. Cyb3r_ZER0

    PC > Arrest Raygun [45/0/25/0/55]

    Going to say like 7~PDs. 5 extra ata is so little but it is still a pretty rare item. I bought some of my 55Hit items for around that much atleast.
  15. Cyb3r_ZER0


    I want to capture Pokemon but then I would need to go outside. Help.
  16. Cyb3r_ZER0


    I will buy the smartlink with a PC.
  17. Cyb3r_ZER0

    New to the server

    Welcome to Ephinea! First!!
  18. Cyb3r_ZER0

    A Dangerous Deal with Cyb3r_ZER0

    Format changed, 4 months worth of items added. Still a work in progress.
  19. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Take it easy. > Everybody
  20. Cyb3r_ZER0

    Yueru's Shitlist {Updated 4/8/17}

    Figured as much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'd actually be surprised if you took that.