Well when making a game you cant expect to tag everything when someone joins. Personally, if its a TTF, I do rush through it myself or atleast try to since I just came to this server. In a quest like TTF or RT it doesn't matter much since you are mainly after the boss xp. But for normal playing...
Really enjoying the server so far ^^ thought I would add some jukebox suggestions..
Fullmetal Alchemist- Again
Fullmetal Alchemist- Opening 4
Tokyo Ghoul- Unravel
not expecting them all to be added, would be happy with one :p
my lil bro is also having the same problem. keeps trying to patch ephinea.dll . tried deleting ephinea.dll and it made a new one by patching. game still doesnt work xD (high res hud is off)
xD so it turned out not to be true. i think i know who reported you but i wont go into that in this thread lol. anyways, nice to see you again armando maybe we can game sometime.
LOL and what happened with you in ultima? You got banned for things I wont mention here. Just because I said I favor it doesnt mean I dont mind helping players learn more and get better. I also dont want a whole team of noobs, who will be asking simple questions every 5 mins. I know you did some...
Hello everyone and welcome to the ILLUMINATI team thread. This is a team I am a part of on another server, and decided to continue the legacy onto Ephinea. The team was just recently created here, and I will update this thread every so often displaying our achievements/goals.
We are a team that...
haha thanks for the warm welcome everyone! yeah ive already transferred 2 characters from ultima ^^ @Colette your avatar looks very familiar ;) think i may know who you or your roommate is aha.
Hey everyone whats up? Until a few days ago I was a dedicated player on Ultima server. It does have a great community, and they do have some cool server exclusive items. However, the economy is getting to the point where its getting so messed up (because of donating players) , and there are alot...