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  1. Fire AKA Drazn


    Basically this call will be open until it is done, or more accurately until the last file has someone working on it. Failing that, when I'm done slogging through it myself. Check in later when you have time to see if there is still work to be done ^^ Zero, everything is laid out for you. No...
  2. Fire AKA Drazn


    Nevermind Soly Fixed the problem by giving me a parsing program to directly import stats from my spreadsheet to the battle param files. Thanks to everyone who expressed interest in this, but robots have taken your jobs. Time to head home ;3
  3. Fire AKA Drazn

    The Monster Stat Input Guide is Complete! Bask in it's glory~

    The Monster Stat Input Guide is Complete! Bask in it's glory~
  4. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    My nightmares manifest O_O This means you can change multipliers for specials? Or just Vjaya's hardcoded one?
  5. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    Ill probably look into this later, after the monster rework, and see if I can figure anything out. Thanks for the info ^^
  6. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    short answer is probably everything ;3 Long answer is I would like to change the invincibility frames for both knockdowns and when you just flinch to be the same amount of invincibility when you regain control of your character. If possible I would like characters to gain that invincibility...
  7. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    And knowing is half the battle ;3 This is by far the most important thing on the list of things I need access to, so this is good news.
  8. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    I thought you mean't a single adept unit breaking spirit, not the abuse case of stacking multiple effects like it. And that was pretty rude, but ill forgive you ;3 Even if I didn't know I got you guys to keep me right. Whats more important is my experience with previous rebalance mods (of...
  9. Fire AKA Drazn

    Why is this even a thing? Why is Windows so fucking bad?

    You first need to remove the stranglehold Microsoft and Nvidia have on stuff like DirectX11 and convince developers to do the little bit of work to make their stuff linux compatible. Then you need to make the whole process of installing/obtaining linux much easier. Do these things and Linux...
  10. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    Prolly an idea to make a separate post if you want to keep talking about this ;3
  11. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    What effect exactly does Adept have on Spirit? And the chosen multipliers are dependent on the risk involved. Berserk is the most risky as it can lead to immediate death if misused, while spirit has no such risk apart from possibly eating into your ability to heal yourself. Resta for certain...
  12. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    Frankly, If I had access to Charge's damage multiplier (and Vjaya's for that matter) I could balance the damage it does something akin to the multipliers I listed before (of their original multiplier while remaining more than a heavy attack) and I would be satisfied with that and could be...
  13. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    Any assistance would be appreciated as usual Soly ;3 And yes, having access to the shop config opens up multiple balancing opportunities for me. I found this strange too, and one of my first balancing attempts was trying to change the power of all sacrificial specials (looking something like...
  14. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    This is another thing that falls in the catagory of not having the tools to fix it as i cannot change either its power or cost as both are hardcoded. And even then im still not happy with charge as a mechanic as it doesnt sacrifice something immediately relevant to the fight so there isn't...
  15. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    This is a pretty good point, but would need some fine tuning. Ill look into it. Ultimately there is going to need to be some universal sink for meseta, just consumables wont be enough. Charge weapons did that (sort of) but I think I could probably come up with something. Not sure if I want...
  16. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    This is an issue, I agree. Its not an issue worth the amount of balance issues it causes though in my opinion. Hopefully I can find something else useful to do with meseta, that isn't trivializing game content ;3
  17. Fire AKA Drazn

    PSOBB Addon Plugin (Lua UI addons)

    lol, then I second Soly. Weird people XD
  18. Fire AKA Drazn

    PSOBB Addon Plugin (Lua UI addons)

    Why exactly 20,000? o.O
  19. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    While I'd love to add more weapon variety to the game, that is not something I can accomplish with the tools I currently have. I already have a long list of things I need/would like access to and while this issue features on that list there are other things I am currently prioritising. Charge...