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  1. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    A few months, on and off ^^ Still a bunch to do.
  2. Fire AKA Drazn

    PSO Project

    Heh, I don't think you need to worry about PSO its got some serious sticking power with the people that grew up with it. Even today I struggle to find any game quite like it. And though it might appear stagnation is creeping in there is life under the surface. Soly with the Teth rewrite...
  3. Fire AKA Drazn

    Considering linking myself to Cats When Damage Taken.

    Considering linking myself to Cats When Damage Taken.
  4. Fire AKA Drazn

    Some concerns about Ephinea

    Shots fired ;3 Seriously though, I agree, elitists are a problem because they want everyone else to be elitist too and can't understand other points of view or that there is more than one way to play a game. Its fine to be serious about the game, especially if you are doing something difficult...
  5. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    If you could banish the DMC bugbear that has haunted PSO for 16 years you could be officially declared the hero this community needs, but probably doesn't deserve ^^ This is exciting stuff indeed.
  6. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    This is good feedback, don't worry ^^ 2x is a placeholder for now, the idea is that the average EXP gained from 4 player multi and Solo works out at around the same, so you aren't really encouraged to do either one and you do what you feel like instead. It will take some more research to get...
  7. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    Unfortunantly I am also not equipped to deal with Damage Cancelling either however hopefully this wont be too much of an issue as most modern servers provide good enough Ping to mostly negate this issue. I know for example of several videos of people testing DMC on ephinea with traps showing...
  8. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    Oh right XD That sounds pretty ideal to me.
  9. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    I wasn't sure where to put this thread, so sorry about that i guess, ill shift it over at some point if its a problem. The idea of a patcher sounds good to me, but my lack of coding experience will probably lead to me bugging you a whole bunch anyway ;3
  10. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    Indeed, unfortunately making that change is anything but easy as it would require a lot of trial and error and digging around in the client. Once I've completed the monster stat rework ill get round to looking more into this, but being a complete novice at coding I will probably need help : /...
  11. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    Thanks! Its been a few months in the making, and I still have a long way to go. Hoping to eventually have this as part of a game design portfolio, and also as my preferred version of PSO to play with friends ;3
  12. Fire AKA Drazn

    PSO Project

    Wow, people complaining about WIP content for a 16 year old game really need to find something better to do with their free time. Your stuff actually looks pretty good btw, and the original rappy hunter video genuinely made me laugh at the finger at the end. Keep up the good work, anything to...
  13. Fire AKA Drazn

    Introducing the PSO Rebalance Project: PSOBB REBORN

    (Now also on reddit!) Hey all. Been working on a PSO project as the title suggests, that involves rooting around in the giant mess that is enemy, weapon and player stats, and reworking it all from the ground up hoping to establish some order and coherence The goal is to stick to the original...
  14. Fire AKA Drazn

    Hey soda, if you have time could you reply to the convo I started with you a while back? Its...

    Hey soda, if you have time could you reply to the convo I started with you a while back? Its fine if your busy though.
  15. Fire AKA Drazn

    Tools by Tofuman

    Putting this here so people using the plyleveltbl editor might see this: The HP you put into the class initial section and what they get per level is not the exact same as the number you put in. The HP each class starts with and what it gains per level is multiplied by a certain amount: 2x for...
  16. Fire AKA Drazn

    Default Player Level Tables

    The link to the default plyleveltbl appears to be broken. Can we get a repost?
  17. Fire AKA Drazn

    PsoBB Quest Files

    Do you have Respective Tomorrow, or whatever the EP2 TTF equivalent is called.