Search results

  1. Kody

    Tyrell's Parasol 25/0/0/0|25

    hit me with that "lol nothing " pls
  2. Kody

    Massive Sale part 2

    Would you be able to do 7 gold badges for the DPC?
  3. Kody

    PC> Badges?

    Too early lol
  4. Kody

    Quick question - Quick answer

    value on megid 27?
  5. Kody

    B> V502 [CLOSED]

  6. Kody

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    This is a classic vid.
  7. Kody

    What's the story behind your name?

    It's my real name. I like my name, so I used it. :)
  8. Kody

    Kody's Discount Mega-mart

    I do. I could do 3.
  9. Kody

    Kody's Discount Mega-mart

    Welcome, welcome all. I don't have much. But, I need to dump stuff, so. Name your own price, and I'll see what I can do. Sword [Draw] [0/5/0/0|50] Gungnir +10 [Charge] [0/0/0/30|45] Raygun +5 [Gush] [40/60/0/0|40] Laser [Geist] [0/0/0/0|50] Vulcan +3 [Charge] [0/0/0/0|30] Red Saber...
  10. Kody

    S> Frozen Shooters

    I have a honeycomb reflector. Offer?
  11. Kody

    PC> From The Depths

    This is more along the lines of what I was thinking.
  12. Kody

    Quick question - Quick answer

    So is Tellusis universally known as the "best mag", regarding it's triggers? Or is a mag being "the best" subjective?
  13. Kody

    PC> From The Depths

    I have seen the price on this vary ridiculously, I've seen it sell for as low as 15 and as high as 80+. Any opinions, guys?
  14. Kody

    diskas for msi

    Eh, 20 low end 30 High end.
  15. Kody

    S > Honeycomb Reflector

  16. Kody

    Nico's Swag Bag

    If you get the chance, can I get the stats on that and a price?
  17. Kody

    Nico's Swag Bag

    OUCH. Different time zones suck. I'll set an alarm on my phone for roughly that time. :)
  18. Kody

    Nico's Swag Bag

    aura field still available?
  19. Kody

    Jukebox Update Suggestions

    No question about it. and
  20. Kody

    Episode 4 Drop Table Update

    Heaven Punisher 1/50 Kondy so POD isnt ded pls