Search results

  1. Kody

    A>3x Photon Drop

  2. Kody

    Kody's Yard Sale

    Sold, sorry.
  3. Kody

    B> Hell Needle

    Looking for a Hell Needle, would prefer an accurate name. Also wouldnt mind an empty special needle. Paying the going rate. Thanks.
  4. Kody

    red cannon 40 native 15 hit

  5. Kody

    A> Girasole 0/0/0/30|35 [CLOSED]

    25h Tyrell's parasol, 4 pds
  6. Kody

    Flowens 3084 0/0/25/0/50

    Oh, god. Yeah don't do that. Auction it, and I would set the reserve at at least 75pds
  7. Kody

    Kody's Yard Sale

    how many u need
  8. Kody

    Kody's Yard Sale

    Yup, something like that. and sure, 3pds works. Just message me whenever you would like to trade. I'm on a couple times a day to check messages and such.
  9. Kody

    {FINISHED}A> 20 Event Eggs

    Peanut wins with bid of: 10pds.
  10. Kody

    B> Frozen Shooter w/hit

    ok, memes over guys drew wins
  11. Kody

    B> Frozen Shooter w/hit

    Not to brag or anything, but I'm mildly LOADED... Not really. But it's a competition at this point for Richarddavis' frendship. 30h fs + 5pds
  12. Kody

    B> Frozen Shooter w/hit

    Yeah, I'm pretty well off.
  13. Kody

    B> Frozen Shooter w/hit

    I've got a 0'd one with 30 hit I can give you next time im online. I can be on tomorrow around 9am Eastern time
  14. Kody

    Kody's Yard Sale

    The rage has been removed. It was Honeydrew's item he leant me, forgot to give it back. If you're adamant about it, I'm sure you can get in contact with Honeydrew's over the logistics of procuring the Rage De Feu, however he seems reluctant to release it from his grasps. I can do 2 on the CR.
  15. Kody

    Kody's Yard Sale

    WELCOME ALL! This is my entire collection, after taking out the trash. Items are listed in descending order based on perceived value. WEAPONS RANGER WEAPONS: Handgun: Milla [Fill] [0/20/0/0|0] Dual Bird +18 [King's] [0/0/0/0|0] SOLD [7 PD to Detourist, 8/18/18] Cannon Rouge +30 [Chaos]...
  16. Kody

    {FINISHED}A> 20 Event Eggs

    Peanut CHB, 24hr starts now.
  17. Kody

    {FINISHED}A> 20 Event Eggs

    I'd value 10PDS higher than 90HP mats, sorry.
  18. Kody

    [SATIRE] Kody's Korner 2.0

    Yeah, thats kind of what happened. I still find them all the time it feels like, much less now that I'm not really ever playing in very hard though. I made a separate character just to contain them all.
  19. Kody

    [SATIRE] Kody's Korner 2.0

  20. Kody

    {FINISHED}A> 20 Event Eggs

    Reserve 10 PDS or equivalent. Buyout 25 PDS or equivalent.