Search results

  1. Kody

    B> Stealth Suit

  2. Kody

    A> 3 PDS

    Yep ill make a game called m,iku
  3. Kody

    A> 3 PDS

    That's okay Miku. I'll just try my best to run into you! I won't forget I owe you the PDs.
  4. Kody

    A> 3 PDS

    Hey I am on right now, and I will be on most of today. Just shoot me a message on here or the discord
  5. Kody

    PC< Book of Hitogata

    haven't seen one of these sell yet.
  6. Kody

    A> 3 PDS

    I play that song every time I play kust dance, it's my favorite! Thanks Miku! I will probably be on tonight from like 7-12 tonight. Not sure what time zone you're in, but that's about 4 hours from me posting this.
  7. Kody

    A> 3 PDS

    You're a god, Miku! I'll let you know next time I'm online for your 3PDs
  8. Kody

    A> 3 PDS

    Damn, son this summer good dancing
  9. Kody

    A> 3 PDS

    Miku, if you could do Prince Ali from Just Dance 2014, I'll consider it a buyout
  10. Kody

    (DONE) B> Hit Yamigarasu

    Thanks Jbang
  11. Kody

    Selfie thread.

    Just me on my way to your girlfriend's house.
  12. Kody

    (DONE) B> Hit Yamigarasu

  13. Kody

    B> nothing because charge vulcs

    B> nothing because charge vulcs
  14. Kody

    (DONE) B> Hit Yamigarasu

    I'm good on this, but thank you
  15. Kody

    (DONE) B> Hit Yamigarasu

    I'm good on this, but thank you
  16. Kody

    (DONE) B> Hit Yamigarasu

    I was thinking more like 6?
  17. Kody

    (DONE) B> Hit Yamigarasu

  18. Kody

    Trader John's & S-Ranks

    Hell Needle still available?
  19. Kody

    B> Guld Milla (mfw never gonna happen)

  20. Kody

    A> 3 PDS

    Currently looking for: Dance videos