Search results

  1. Kody

    Duplicate Speacial Weapons?

    may I interest you in one of 150+ hildebear heads
  2. Kody

    What's good Ephinea?

  3. Kody


  4. Kody

    Interchangeable Genders

  5. Kody

    Kody's Yard Sard

  6. Kody

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    We have twin Event GM's. Nice to meet you, Brother.
  7. Kody

    BPD Revised

    In the words of a stereotypical college student who barely participates in the group project: "I agree with this"
  8. Kody

    Where's Oolong and Bulma, Goku?

    Where's Oolong and Bulma, Goku?
  9. Kody

    TFW you artifically inflate the price of 40h yamigarasu because it has achieved meme status

    TFW you artifically inflate the price of 40h yamigarasu because it has achieved meme status
  10. Kody

    PDA>Yamigarasu [35/35/0/0/40]

    5 PDs. Buyout?
  11. Kody

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    NEAT. I have no use for this, and it's value is botched because of Coren, but still an impressive find in my book!
  12. Kody

    B> Hildebear Heads 20:1

    don't ask
  13. Kody

    Kody's Yard Sard

    WELCOME ALL! This is my entire collection, after taking out the trash. Items are listed in descending order based on perceived value. WEAPONS RANGER WEAPONS: Handgun: Milla [Fill] [0/20/0/0|0] Dual Bird +18 [King's] [0/0/0/0|0] SOLD [7 PD to Detourist, 8/18/18] Cannon Rouge +30 [Chaos]...
  14. Kody

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    You going to auction this? Insane potential.
  15. Kody

    S> 40h (Forty hit) Yamigarasu 7PDS

    @Detourist amazing. I'll be in touch.
  16. Kody

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

  17. Kody

    S> 40h (Forty hit) Yamigarasu 7PDS

    fixed, ty brother
  18. Kody

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Finally found this after searching for a whole day.
  19. Kody

    S> 40h (Forty hit) Yamigarasu 7PDS

    You want a weapon that gets the job done? You want a weapon that's hassle free? You want a weapon that literally no one will ever compliment you on? Well look no further. The 40h Yamigarasu. Let's talk about features. High ATP: nope Fast Attack Speed: nope Better than 40h Hell Raygun: nope...
  20. Kody

    PC> From The Depths

    @honeydrew I would appreciate it if you stopped witch hunting me. There is no reason for you to dig up a dead post from 2017.