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  1. Matt

    Quick question - Quick answer

    There's no specific locations for tech disks, you're best looking at the technique drop table on the wiki and just playing somewhere the level you're looking for drops.
  2. Matt

    [Classic Mode] Game Crash When Entering Caves via Today's Rate

    Can you be a little more specific: Are you disconnecting? (No100 error) or are you crashing (PSOBB.exe has stopped working, or the client suddenly closes)
  3. Matt

    [Classic Mode] Game Crash When Entering Caves via Today's Rate

    Are you trying with a vanilla client? This specific issue is usually because of area skins that have bugs in them.
  4. Matt

    How much defense do you like on a FOmarl?

    Should always get as much defence as possible, falling down is not a useful strategy. In a situation you'd get combo'd to death from not falling, falling down would just mean you'd get trapped anyway, so you're just making life harder for yourself in more situations. Falling down sucks.
  5. Matt

    hell yes but osrs ost is so good the modern stuff especially, things like the later Kourend...

    hell yes but osrs ost is so good the modern stuff especially, things like the later Kourend soundtrack and ToB soundtrack are amaze. imagine something like "The Nightmare Continues" or "The Fat Lady Sings" for Dark Falz
  6. Matt

    Introducing... Classic mode! (クラシックモード実装のお知らせ)

    Frozen in time, there's no plans to drip feed.
  7. Matt

    Server maintenance concluded for June 25th, 2022 (6/26 サーバメンテナンス終了)

    Anniversary event is in August and always has been. The scavenger event which took place in June in previous years was scrapped a while ago. We decided it contributed too much to FOMO and was also hilariously imbalanced.
  8. Matt

    Server maintenance concluded for June 25th, 2022 (6/26 サーバメンテナンス終了)

    tl;dr but if we were to ever rebalance or change Hardcore, the current Hardcore would need to become Normal anyway as it wouldn't be fair for them to keep their status on new rules (which would be along the lines of extremely limited lives, scapes wouldn't work, etc.) After the initial "scary"...
  9. Matt

    Why so much hype about mechguns?

    A mechgun throws your ATP at an enemy 9 times; the damage is not split amongst the hits. It's important to remember that most of your ATP does not come from the weapon at all, which is a common mistake of newer players. Vulcans having something like 30 ATP, but Heaven Striker having 600 ATP may...
  10. Matt

    Introducing... Classic mode! (クラシックモード実装のお知らせ)

    They weren't actually in vanilla - they were in vanilla the same way STA is. I accidentally put one on the drop charts since they all had the same name, silly me for assuming the first one was the burning one, so I figured I might as well just add them all.
  11. Matt

    Introducing... Classic mode! (クラシックモード実装のお知らせ)

    Nobody profits from it, the change was done to put the server more in line with what it should be. It's very simple: Ephinea was originally advertised as a vanilla server with some improvements/changes, we've made changes over the years, and feel we ventured too far from the original vision...
  12. Matt

    Should classic mode feature the class walls?

    Classic mode currently features the class walls as obtainable items from Gallon's Shop, as they were available on Blue Burst. However, many people may consider these to be "Episode IV items" (although they did exist in Version 1/2, just not Gamecube/Xbox), and we do advertise Devaloka as being...
  13. Matt

    Introducing... Classic mode! (クラシックモード実装のお知らせ)

    Agreed, where's my community of people with funny character names such as Ender_ and Matt`-? Modsecid should be totally removed to bring back that true classic feel! Thanks for letting us understand what needs to be done!
  14. Matt

    Failed synchro inventory message, change blocks inmediatly message

    I had a look, you dropped the Raygun and another user picked it up. They will need to give it back to you. EDIT: Oh, you posted before me. Basically, the server was reading your Raygun in slot #, but you desync'd before, so when you picked up dimates, sorted your inventory, or some other...
  15. Matt

    Failed synchro inventory message, change blocks inmediatly message

    This means that you desynchronised with the server somehow, and ended up performing an action on your client that did not line up with what the server thought you were doing. Unfortunately, we don't do any item restorations, so if you've lost the arrest raygun, we will not be able to restore...
  16. Matt

    Anguish Mode Boss Modifier Suggestion

    oh no i am APOLOGISE, somehow I missed that memo
  17. Matt

    Anguish Mode Boss Modifier Suggestion

    For what it's worth, enemy HP is capped at to 32K which is why this is an issue. Boss HP going a lot higher would be ideal for a mode like this, but it's not possible at the current time. I was spreading fake news
  18. Matt

    A few mag colors are wrong on the wiki

    I think it's better the way the wiki is setup, because you just look for the colour you want, then you have all the info as to what gives that specific colour. That table looks pretty but is not as practical.
  19. Matt

    A> Soul Banish 0/0/0/0|70 DONE@150

    I'm going to scale this back to @Small sticky cake's 90 PD bid. Having people essentially "team up" in auctions is not exactly kosher (especially since Ryan never asked for this), as it could cause many problems down the line. If you want to help someone out in an auction, perhaps ask them...
  20. Matt

    HC UIM (Red Box Challenge) - Meet Maple

    Someone plays too much RuneScape (same though). I've played like this before (although not Ultimate), and I find the game a lot more interesting as you can't just skip half the game by buying something high hit / from Ultimate, it feels nice to actually get drops like G/Battles and H/Battles...