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  1. Matt

    Quick question - Quick answer

    It's in the guide page linked at the top.
  2. Matt

    sorry just saw this ill get it done asap

    sorry just saw this ill get it done asap
  3. Matt

    8th Anniversary Event Thread

    I've also put up Festivity on the Beach which is available for the entirety of the event.
  4. Matt

    8th Anniversary Event Thread

    8th Anniversary Event 5th August ~ 5th September Welcome to the 8th Ephinea Anniversary Event! What's the Anniversary Event? The Anniversary Event is an event which features badge currency drops and a set of exclusive limited-time quests, known as Maximum Attack E. During the course of...
  5. Matt

    A few encouraging words in our time of need (event).

    As mentioned elsewhere, this post is why the event will be cancelled, as we do not want to encourage further cringe posting of this caliber. You know who to blame.
  6. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    I've found the issue, it seems that Lutris defaults have changed *again* so it isn't downloading and setting the correct Wine version, and is instead using the system one which comes with the Steam Deck. I'll have to look into making this stay on a certain version myself that won't go away...
  7. Matt

    Passive Hunts and your Cosmetics

    Passive hunts are not necessarily bad, it depends what the target item is, and what the passive item is. For example, anything that is passively obtained while hunting Lame or Heaven Striker will always be found primarily through that hunt, no matter how bad the hunt is. This reduces the scope...
  8. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    Looking at this, you didn't install the game as per the original post, as it seems you have just downloaded the .exe file and ran that - those files are the shortcut files created from the installer if run manually. Lutris doesn't litter your desktop with these.
  9. Matt

    i cant type

    This is a really old thread, but hitting alt+shift should let you type... which means IME is on somehow, usually.
  10. Matt

    Challenge Mode disconnect error.

    Butting in, but I'm not sure the issue is the external drive - it sounds like your computer is too weak to play PSO at a consistent frame rate, which causes you to desync in challenge and get booted. Try moving it to an internal drive of course to see if it helps, but I don't think it will...
  11. Matt

    Are The East Tower and The West Tower available in One Person Mode on the classic ship?

    This is a good point actually - I didn't think about the offline versions of them from Plus. We should probably add them, as Seat of the Heart and Central Dome Fire Swirl are available in One Person in classic, which were also Plus additions.
  12. Matt

    A way to view the PSO source code

    If you figure it out, let us know.
  13. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    This isn't very useful - I assume you've played on PC with a controller, so what you need to do is open the controller settings in the Steam menu and change the buttons to where you'd expect them to be, or you get some issues with going back to PC later on if you remap them in game on the Steam...
  14. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    You just need to remap the controls in-game, or if you're playing through Steam, edit the controller profile. PSO BB is an old game so the controls are not going to map to modern controllers as you would expect, you need to manually adjust.
  15. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    The script for the installation was approved 15 hours ago, so installing on the Steam Deck should now be a true one-click install, and I have updated the OP to suit. I also decided to be cheeky and renamed the script slightly so it appears above the other scripts which do... whatever they do...
  16. Matt

    Ephinea PSO BB on Steam Deck (Official Thread)

    I've updated the Lutris script to set the game's default at D3D8 (since D3D9 would give people shadowing issues, and anyone not reading the guide fully or installing through Lutris directly would not know to change this), and also to rollback the DXVK version to 1.10.3, so people don't have to...
  17. Matt

    Vulkan doesn't render textures.

    Vulkan for Ephinea is done through DXVK, and the version used (either V2 or V2.1) has serious regressions with PSO BB, hence the issues. V1.10.3 works perfectly, but supposedly this has issues with some Nvidia cards, so it couldn't be used. Hopefully it'll be fixed eventually! V2.2 still has...
  18. Matt

    Was I hacked, some sort of server item reset, or something else?

    Don't know about where to read differences between Ultima and Ephinea, but you read about Ephinea from the homepage under the info tab: As for imports, we haven't offered them for years. All that got transferred were your materials, half your levels...
  19. Matt

    Room Section IDs Change

    It's possible to do things like multiple potential rares per enemy, and things like quest specific drops could also be achieved, this is definitely not a hard restriction. It would certainly be possible to just KO the section ID system in general and still have all drops be available in a...
  20. Matt

    Room Section IDs Change

    I understand the frustration - I also think the section ID system as a whole is a mistake, and very anti-player in the long run. However, the importance of your section ID for your character was always an important aspect of PSO, and changing it takes away part of the actual experience in a way...