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  1. emoticon

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Actually VH or Ult gives you the best chance because you get two items in VH and Ult! Edit: Well, looking at the math, the difference is actually pretty small. Whereas you have a 1/9 or 11.1% chance at getting LS in Normal, you have a 1 - (1 - 1/17)^2 or 11.7% chance in VH and Ult. So you...
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    Ephinea Summer Event

    I believe there was a misunderstanding at first regarding the kill gate. It is account-based, not character-based.
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    How to Obtain Christmas Mag Cells

    Thanks! I had forgotten I linked that guide. I'll make sure to edit it soon.
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    Why do people idle in the lobby so much?

    Hi Enuo, Thank you for writing. Your concerns have been duly noted. Don't worry, you're not alone! There are many folks like you who wonder about the world that is the PSO lobby and how on earth such a simple-looking place can captivate so many players. Much like Ragol itself, where I'm sure...
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    Who like Eggs?
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    i'm not up for getting beaten down and i'm also not down to get beaten up tbh

    i'm not up for getting beaten down and i'm also not down to get beaten up tbh
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    PC> Swordsman Lore/Proof of Sword-Saint

    Doesn't look like it:
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    While confusion is a nice status affliction for keeping mobs under control, paralysis is generally better because it lowers EVP as well, so people go for Arrest S-Ranks. To clarify, badge drop rates were increased across the board for all monsters. Rare monsters should share the same badge...
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    [HC] Hardcore

    Small correction: Dress Plate (and Wedding Dress) aren't obtainable through Beak's Cafe on this server. They're available only from events (like the current one!).
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    [HC] Hardcore

    Lilies don't start spitting Megid until Ultimate difficulty (they spit poison on lower difficulties), so you shouldn't need dark resist for lilies until then.
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    Unsure about item reward milestones

    Some of the rewards have a personal kill requirement in addition to the server-wide milestone in order to claim. They'll be clear once we reach those milestones.
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    About banner items in inaccessible areas

    The admin team needs a screenshot because the logs only record the banner (room X has found item Y), so they don't know which player the item dropped for unless that player picks it up. By providing a screenshot of the banner and the item, you demonstrate that the item announced by the banner...
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    What are your biggest PSO pet peeves?

    Some weapons have a berserk special, which drains 25% of your current HP to do double the damage of a hard attack.
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    I believe it's this quest.
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    "martial issues" wow i didn't realize we were getting violent this quickly

    "martial issues" wow i didn't realize we were getting violent this quickly
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    The stats appear to be fixed (no variation), according to the JP wiki. Edit: Corrected by Melirei and NDW below.
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    Quick patch note 1.8.1

    He's (most likely) removed the hard cap on ice special activation rates. See this thread for details.
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    According to, it's level 30 in multi-mode, so you'll need 100 EDK to avoid getting killed 100% of the time.
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    See the announcement post for a description, and feel free to ask any follow-up questions you may have.