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  1. emoticon

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Yellowboze used to have an advantage when it came to probability of hit% in Episode 2, but all IDs were buffed (not nerfed! (: ) to 5% in this update on April 6, 2016. The old rates were as follows:
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    There's no way to do that, unfortunately. Ultimate has 5% chance of hit, and other difficulties are 1%, I believe.
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    Photon Tickets are obtained from the quest Gallon's Plan. If I recall correctly, if you complete the quest and choose the correct option at the end, Alicia will give you 1 or 2 Photon Tickets (Normal/Hard and VH/Ultimate). You can exchange these tickets with an NPC on Pioneer 2 in the same...
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    Please change Yahoo! Engine to Altaba Engine

    actually ephinea is owned by yahoo the name of the server is changing to "altaba phantasy star online verizon burst" at the start of the next fiscal quarter, please look forward to it!
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    Skylar's Pro as Fuck Guide to HUmar and HUnewearl

    agastya you can have my 45h twin brand i already beat pso so i dont need it anymore
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    Skylar's Pro as Fuck Guide to HUmar and HUnewearl

    this is a really good guide i followed it and i won pso
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    1) From the Ephinea PSOBB launcher, go to "Options" > "More" and check "Save ID and Password". 2) Not sure about this one. Perhaps someone with more sandbox or /item experience can help! 3) Rares cannot be sold to the vendor. You can convert rare weapons into team points though, as one way to...
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    Persona 5..

    Haven't played it yet but I preordered it a while back to play when I have access to my PS3 again! ^ o^ hypeeee
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    Rare banner typo.

    Dear [PLAYER NAME], Thank you for writing to us. Responding to your questions and resolving your issues are our top priority at Ephinea Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst, the premier [SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: vanilla / semi-vanilla / slippery-sloping] PSOBB server! My name is [COMMUNITY...
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    Quest/NPC to reset SJS kill counter.

    Actually, I agree that accidentally unsealing an SJS that you want to use for Hell is a real potential problem. I think an irreversible action that is easy to trigger accidentally is a poor design. However, I'm not sure if it's worth the development effort and quest list clutter/feature bloat...
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    Valentine's Day Party Event

    MU stands for the "Mop-up Operation" series of quests, which I believe are under the "Extermination" section of the quest list.
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    FOnewm guide + Ultimate-mode FO strategy

    sick guide anime
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    Matt wrote a cool guide on how to get started on making quests using QEdit!
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    Valentine's Day Event & New Quests

    You can submit quests that you make to the admins (probably @Matt), and if they're well done they could be approved and added to the Ephinea's quest list. (Also this thread is a year old--for questions like these I'd recommend posting them in the Quick Questions, Quick Answers thread!)
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    Your question's already pretty much been answered, but here's a full list anyway:
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    The Return of Zaka-Kun!

    omg welcome back!! :D so like i have a smartlink that i need to return to you
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    Increase common bank Meseta limit.

    Don't think there's any real criticism against this idea (though if there is, I'd like to hear it!), especially considering that ten 100k Coren rolls requires more meseta than a single bank can hold. A low cap on the bank meseta limit doesn't add any interesting challenge to gameplay. If it's...