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  1. emoticon

    Demons/Devil Special Weapons

    All specials can be subject to reduction except for the sacrificial specials (Berserk, Spirit, and Charge). This post covers in detail how special reduction affects different specials on different weapons. You're correct that it's better to have Spirit Vulcan with hit over S-Rank Mechgun with...
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    Demons/Devil Special Weapons

    You can't put any attributes on them, but the ability to put specials on them is very valuable. For instance, you can make a Needle weapon with a Hell special on it (a weapon that wouldn't otherwise exist in PSO) for mowing down mobs in Episode 2. In addition, S-Rank weapons all have unreduced...
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    HRB stands for Hunters Boost Road, which is a special feature on Ephinea inspired by PSU. Every month a new set of quests is set for that month's HBR and running those quests increases your drop rate for those quests for the month. You can find more information here!
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    How does hit on weapons work?

    Each % of hit adds exactly 1 ATA (the fact that it's shown as a percentage is misleading). You can use this calculator to calculate your hit rate on enemies with varying EVP. For quick questions like these, I recommend posting in the Quick Question, Quick Answer thread!
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    for the veterans and everyone else

    i hone my endgame pso skills by refining my mastery of word select in lobby 1-1
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    Ephinea's Dynamic Drop Rate, PSO2 Drop, and Luck Systems

    It changes every day at 00:00 UTC. You can check the current time in UTC with the /time command.
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    PW3 "Box Run" Guide for New Players & Veterans

    dear anime, i read your guide on box-running and i wanted to say thank you! it helped me cope through a very difficult time in my life, and i'm not sure where i would be today without it. the use of ALL CAPS inspired me to be more confident and vocal in my own daily life, and thanks to your...
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    Coren's Prize

    The rates are as follows:
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    How long did you take to get your first level 200?

    i'm working really hard! i'll be 200 real soon!!
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    Summer Scavenger Event

    Yes, they are two distinct areas.
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    Your PSO history...

    tripped over ephinea in 2015 and been slippin down the slope ever since
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    Check out this cool new mat plan guide by the mat guy, Matthew "@Matt" Swift:
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    After the recent Ep.2 drop chart changes, the drops for Agito 1975 are as follows: Pal Rappy -- Pinkal -- 1⁄21.33 Tollaw -- Viridia -- 1⁄28807.03 Tollaw -- Bluefull -- 1⁄28807.03 Tollaw -- Yellowboze -- 1⁄28807.03 Mil Lily (ep1) -- Whitill -- 1⁄21.33 Nano Dragon -- Oran -- 1⁄18331.75 Sinow Red...
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    Full Dressing Room / Name Changes

    It doesn't if you have used /modsecid already.
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    Red Ring description change.

    The Japanese description by SEGA, for reference: 赤のリング。果たして「彼女」のものだろうか… A red ring. Could it be "hers"...?
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    don't you dare touch my vanilla lobby experience (actually, perhaps some cool things could be done with chairs but there are much bigger things that should be tackled first imo)
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    You can see them here.
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    Drop Chart Changes, May Update, Easter Event Ended

    Use the command /modsecid. For example: /modsecid pinkal
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    Getting rid of ALT+BS.

    This is a problem that's plaguing the server for a long time now, so I agree that something should be done sooner rather than later. The problem: Upon death, a Hardcore player can alt+backspace (or /lobby with shortcut) to avoid consuming a Scape Doll. Why this is a problem: It's an exploit...
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    Quick question - Quick answer

    I've been using capital letters in my passwords ever since I started playing here, so I think there shouldn't be a problem (: