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  1. GreenMaker

    Game update for August 5th, 2022

    hi I have run this update and am experiencing a DLL error. You will not be able to play the game as it is.
  2. GreenMaker

    Green's Trade List

    With the anniversary event about to begin Trading will be suspended for the duration of the event.
  3. GreenMaker


    ここではマルチプレイでの注意点について説明します。 あくまでも個人的見解ですので参考までに。 結論から言えば、マルチプレイではソロプレイとは違った立ち回りが必要になります。 理由として、ダメージキャンセル(DMC)の存在があります。 〇ダメージキャンセル(DMC)について ダメージキャンセル(DMC)とは、複数のプレイヤーが同じ敵に同時のタイミングを攻撃を行った場合、 一番低いダメージが参照されてしまう現象です。 その他のダメージは入らなかったことになります。 例えば、サテライト・リザードに対し、以下の攻撃が同時に起こったとします。 1)...
  4. GreenMaker

    B>Hell Railgun 60h+

    hi i have Hell Railgun 55h
  5. GreenMaker

    A> Calibur [Charge] [50/0/0/50|50] [Done]

    CHUCKNORRIS88 wins for 2pd
  6. GreenMaker

    A> Calibur [Charge] [50/0/0/50|50] [Done]

    RES: 1 pd Countdown: 24 hours Reset: 24 hours
  7. GreenMaker

    A> Raygun +10 [Hell] [0/0/0/0|55] [Done]

    nagisa1224 wins for 5pd
  8. GreenMaker

    A> Raygun +10 [Hell] [0/0/0/0|55] [Done]

    RES: 1 pd Countdown: 72 hours Reset: 24 hours
  9. GreenMaker

    A> YELLOW BARRIER [5/5|5/5] [Done]

    Meecho wins for 5pd
  10. GreenMaker

    A> YELLOW BARRIER [5/5|5/5] [Done]

    RES: 1 pd Countdown: 48 hours Reset: 24 hours
  11. GreenMaker

    A> MUSASHI [0/0/0/0|40] [Done]

    skyblue wins for 5pd
  12. GreenMaker

    A> MUSASHI [0/0/0/0|40] [Done]

    RES: 1 pd Countdown: 24 hours Reset: 24 hours
  13. GreenMaker

    A> MADAM'S UMBRELLA [0/0/0/25|50] [Done]

    grant wins for 25pd
  14. GreenMaker

    A> MADAM'S UMBRELLA [0/0/0/25|50] [Done]

    RES: 1 pd Countdown: 24 hours Reset: 24 hours
  15. GreenMaker

    A> Sacred Guard [8/8|8/8] [Done]

    RUGAL19 wins for 1pd My Discord is みどり/Green#1148 (if online status, then can trade) post or DM plz JST (UTC+0900)
  16. GreenMaker

    hi My Discord is みどり/Green#1148 (if online status, then can trade) post or DM plz

    hi My Discord is みどり/Green#1148 (if online status, then can trade) post or DM plz
  17. GreenMaker

    hi My Discord is みどり/Green#1148 (if online status, then can trade) post or DM plz

    hi My Discord is みどり/Green#1148 (if online status, then can trade) post or DM plz
  18. GreenMaker

    A> Sacred Guard [8/8|8/8] [Done]

    Reserve: 1 pds Countdown: 72 Hours Reset: 24 Hours
  19. GreenMaker

    Green's Trade List

    Update list