Search results

  1. frieza


    Another bump...sad day
  2. frieza


  3. frieza


    Update. I can now afford a slightly better RR then minimum if no one has a min RR. Still looking for PGF too. :)
  4. frieza

    S> gun to use for dark meteor

  5. frieza


    Hey guys! Looking to buy a RR minimum stats or a PGF. I have PD's.
  6. frieza


    Will anyone sell me a super crappy cheep lame? Ill pay a few pds for it. Lemme know :)
  7. frieza

    S> gun to use for dark meteor

    Bump also selling tempest calibur 0/50/0/50/50
  8. frieza

    B/S> Stuff

    I will buy the lame if it's still available
  9. frieza

    S> gun to use for dark meteor

    Hey guys! I found a 50/0/0/50/50 tempest arms that should work with a pgf to make dark meteor. If you are interested lemme know. :) I also have a great weapon for dark flow too!
  10. frieza

    B>v101 (closed)

    I would like to buy a v101 please :)
  11. frieza


    I would like to buy a plain PGF. I have PDs
  12. frieza

    T> Dark Flow (closed)

    You are probably right. I'm still new to forum.
  13. frieza

    S> dark flow (closed)

    I will trade my dark flow (50/0/50/0/50) for a Minimum stat Red Ring -or- 30 pds -or- dark bridge
  14. frieza

    T> Dark Flow (closed)

    I will trade my dark flow (50/0/50/0/50) for a Minimum stat Red Ring -or- 30 pds -or- dark bridge
  15. frieza

    B> High lvl grants (Closed)

    i got it. This is closed :)
  16. frieza

    B> High lvl grants (Closed)

    Level 27 or higher pls.
  17. frieza

    B>God technique (closed)

    all done. :)
  18. frieza

    B>God technique (closed)

    I would like to buy a God technique. :)
  19. frieza

    B>Magic garb+

    All done!
  20. frieza

    B>Magic garb+

    Let me know your offer :)