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  1. frieza

    Help. Can’t host a game.

    Hey guys! I’m hoping someone can help me with an issue I’m having. For some reason, I am unable to host a game. Every time people try to join me, my game freezes up and they either disconnect or I disconnect. I am able to join other rooms just fine. I have excluded this game on my firewall and...
  2. frieza

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Excellent answer! Thank you!
  3. frieza

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Okay! One more question for Fonewms. I hear so many positives for Magic garb + and ignition cloak. They both seem like solid options. In your opinion, what is a better option/ more meta for nuke fonewm?
  4. frieza

    S> PGF (Done)

  5. frieza

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Good point! Thank you! Any thoughts on the single target dps weapons? Also. What’s sling shot?
  6. frieza

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Question. I saw on Ephinea’s class guide, it recommended an ES demon Mechgun on Fonewm. In your opinion, is this a solid option for that Fo? Wouldn’t a 50 hit Bringer Rifle be more reliable with the extra range and ata? Or is the ES demon mechs just that good on them? Also, is Girasole truly...
  7. frieza

    S> 0/0/0/0/75 Calibur (Done)

  8. frieza

    S> 0/0/0/0/75 Calibur (Done)

    Ok ok ok. PM
  9. frieza

    I do not have a discord. But I would be willing to trade for a PW plus 150 pds if thats cool...

    I do not have a discord. But I would be willing to trade for a PW plus 150 pds if thats cool with you?
  10. frieza

    S> 0/0/0/0/75 Calibur (Done)

    I am sorry but I am not interested in a heaven punisher at the moment. Mostly want PDs. Maybe if you had a psycho wand?
  11. frieza

    S> PGF (Done)

  12. frieza

    S> 0/0/0/0/75 Calibur (Done)

    Bump, price drop to 400.
  13. frieza

    S> PGF (Done)

    Selling PGF for 50 pds. Will also trade outright for Girasole 45 hit clean or with room for dark.
  14. frieza


    I’ll take if still open.
  15. frieza

    S> 0/0/0/0/75 Calibur (Done)

    Bump, Price drop to 435 pds.
  16. frieza

    S> 0/0/0/0/75 Calibur (Done)

  17. frieza

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I’m debating on getting either an S rank hell weapon or an S rank Demons weapon for my ranger. Ideally I would like to get both someday. But which do you find to me more reliable across the board? Are more enemies weak to demons than hell? Or is the hell special just too good to pass up for my...
  18. frieza

    Ephinea Christmas 2023 Event Thread

    That’s a great outlook!
  19. frieza

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Do sacrificial specials, have the same accuracy as a heavy attack?
  20. frieza

    What’s your favorite shotgun?

    TypeSH/shot seems nice for the higher ata rangers! The range and faster bullet speed of a shotgun would be very nice compared to the baranz launcher.