Search results

  1. frieza

    Summer Scavenger Event 2019

    Redria = crater Viridia: Subterranean Desert Greenill: ??? Skyly: ??? Bluefull: ??? Purplenum: VR Temple Pinkal: Central Control Area Redria: Crater Oran: ??? Yellowboze: Forest Whitill: Cave
  2. frieza

    Summer Scavenger Event 2019

    Viridia: Subterranean Desert Greenill: ??? Skyly: ??? Bluefull: ??? Purplenum: Temple Pinkal: ??? Redria: ??? Oran: ??? Yellowboze: ??? Whitill: Caves
  3. frieza

    B> SJS

    Bump (Still looking for seller.) :)
  4. frieza


    Looking for a cheap Nei's Claw. :) Looks like a fun weapon!
  5. frieza

    B> SJS

  6. frieza

    B> SJS

    I have 2 stacks of 99 pds and a sphere! Please make my dreams come true...I've always wanted this sword! The only thing i am asking is that this weapon does not have hit or machine.
  7. frieza

    Summer Scavenger Event 2019

    Update: Skyly in forest (6/5)
  8. frieza


    I am selling for 35 pds.
  9. frieza

    B> TypeME/Mechgun (closed)

    Oh my!
  10. frieza

    B> TypeME/Mechgun (closed)

    I would like to buy the 40 hit charge mechguns please. :)
  11. frieza

    Unseal my lame

    Is anymore out there willing to unseal my lame for me? I can pay in pds.
  12. frieza


    I am looking for a fairly decent Lame. Somewhere in the 8-15 pd range. Current Lame has 25 beast and 25 dark. Got it for 3 Pds. I need an upgrade.
  13. frieza

    S>v801 (sold)

    I'm selling one for 8 pds!
  14. frieza

    B>Item Tickets 1:2 [CLOSED]

    I have one as well
  15. frieza

    B>High Hit Calibur (65+)

  16. frieza

    B>CentAbility x2 (Closed)

    bump lol
  17. frieza

    B>CentAbility x2 (Closed)

  18. frieza

    B>High Hit Calibur (65+)

    I am wanting to make a dark flow but I would like a decent sword to use it with. Looking for 65+ hit please. Other stats would be nice too but I'm mostly concerned with hit. let me know.
  19. frieza

    B>CentAbility x2 (Closed)

  20. frieza

    B>CentAbility x2 (Closed)

    I've got those juicy Pds