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  1. Omerion

    League of Legends

    Does anyone like the new Assassins rework for preseason. I like Talon's one for now. For Kat, meh, I don't like how you have to pick up the blade if you want to do a spin attack. More Assassins to come by.
  2. Omerion

    League of Legends

    No, I don't play ranked, I usually play Normal Draft.
  3. Omerion

    League of Legends

    I played it a lot of times, a very fun game.
  4. Omerion

    Ephinea Online Smash Community

    Mew2King and S2J is the best parts, I feel bad for S2J for getting beat up by Mang0 and a failed attempt to get Westballz back.
  5. Omerion

    My Paragon Channel on Youtube

    This is a very good game. Unfortunately, not a lot of console users type a lot, so we never know what lane they might get and they will take the lane even though you called it, but that's mostly every MOBA problem. Other than that, very good game. Also, I like to point out that you cannot...
  6. Omerion

    Free thread for all

    Homework and gaming.
  7. Omerion

    Nintendo Switch!

    I kind of have to agree on your point here. I mean, I like Nintendo on their innovative ideas, but also, they could lead to possible fails. I'm interested in some main Nintendo games like Smash Bros, Pokemon, Mario Kart, and F-Zero, but like Smash Bros and F-Zero, we probably never get to see a...
  8. Omerion

    Nintendo Switch!

    Not even Legend of Zelda: The Breath Of Wind?
  9. Omerion

    Post the last photo, gif or video that made you laugh too hard

    How about this one, if you haven't seen Episode VI you can check it out too.
  10. Omerion

    Nintendo Switch!

    I like the concept on what the Switch is going for, but the problem is the controller you get for buying it, it looks small, but it's mostly design for the portable console so I get it, but when I play home, I would want the gamepad.
  11. Omerion

    Post the last photo, gif or video that made you laugh too hard

    It's funny, and its hurts too because it's true. Also this is really funny. Sorry, I had to. (Timestamp: 2:42 - 2:52)
  12. Omerion

    Howdy! ^_^

    Welcome to Pioneer 2 and the forums, where not only you can talk about PSO, you can also talk about other things. Make sure you put them in the right forums tho.
  13. Omerion

    Personal Gaming Quirks?

    Ah! Don't say that!
  14. Omerion

    What are you listening to?

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. Omerion

    Personal Gaming Quirks?

    In Dragon Ball Xenoverse and more games, I was going to choose Human Race which has balanced stats, but the problem is that they can't go Super Sayian. I like my character or stats to be balanced, but being a Sayian Race is cool because you can become a Super Sayian. Sometimes I have to choose a...
  16. Omerion

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  17. Omerion

    What are you listening to?

    Kunai with chain. Link:
  18. Omerion


    What time is it? It's high noon! If anyone is interest playing with me on PS4. reobebo is my game tag.
  19. Omerion


  20. Omerion

    Enjoying Overwatch's Halloween Event.

    Enjoying Overwatch's Halloween Event.