Search results

  1. Omerion

    What Games Are You Playing?

    More I have. PSO (Obviously) For Honor League of Legends (I do jg Yi, but autofilled support, Thresh) (This is the most toxic community). Bit of Tekken and Marvel vs Capcom 3. (Can't wait for Tekken 7). Overwatch. Little of Team Fortress 2, CSGO, and Warframe. Probably get Persona 5 in a few...
  2. Omerion

    What are you listening to?

    Sorry, have to.
  3. Omerion

    Yu Gi Oh Duel Links

    Does anyone in here play Yu Gi Oh Duel Links. It's fun. I usually play Yami Yugi, Joey Wheeler, and Seto Kaiba. Here is my duel code if you want to duel me: 237-692-128.
  4. Omerion

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Anime Discussions? Why is the FBI here?
  5. Omerion

    Not buying a Nintendo Switch lmaooo.... Fuck off Nintendo.

    Watch your profanity. Well, it's your decision. If you don't want to buy it, then don't buy it. I'll probably buy the Switch when No More Heroes 3 come out, but once again, your decision.
  6. Omerion

    I hate when games are developed with eSports as the immediate goal.

    Not counting the both HD Zelda games?
  7. Omerion

    I hate when games are developed with eSports as the immediate goal.

    I might be wrong, but I don't think Overwatch was meant to be an eSport at first. When it became popular unexpected. Then the future of eSport grows. Lets get Call of Duty for example, it's an old game at first which is good, but when more sequels came in and got better, the decision for eSport...
  8. Omerion

    TimeSplitters 2 Netplay?

    I think I should make a Discord channel to make invitations to gaming easier. If anyone agrees about this, then I create one when I have time.
  9. Omerion

    TimeSplitters 2 Netplay?

    I'm using the US version.
  10. Omerion

    TimeSplitters 2 Netplay?

  11. Omerion

    TimeSplitters 2 Netplay?

    Hello, is anyone in a mood for TimeSplitters multiplayer/coop? Let me know if you are interest.
  12. Omerion

    Post the last photo, gif or video that made you laugh too hard

    If you are going to protest at a library. Trust me, I wouldn't recommend it...
  13. Omerion

    League of Legends

    I heard the new skins are coming. God, my wallet is getting empty. Blood Moon Jhin looks pretty cool.
  14. Omerion


    Any experience required?
  15. Omerion

    51th Super Bowl Aftermath

    Ah, the 51th Super Bowl with the New England Patriots vs the Atlanta Captain Falcons...I mean the Atlanta Falcons. So what do you think about the Super Bowl. It could vary from the game performance, Lady Gaga half time show, or the advertisements. The game is pretty tense, Lady Gaga ended her...
  16. Omerion

    Post the last photo, gif or video that made you laugh too hard

    When your friend is stupid... (Sorry for the long intro).
  17. Omerion

    What are you listening to?

  18. Omerion

    What anime are you currently watching?

    I was surfing on the web til I found this.
  19. Omerion

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Does this count as Anime?