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  1. Omerion

    What anime are you currently watching?

    This is Anime, not animations.
  2. Omerion

    Nice to meet you all

    Welcome to Pioneer 2.
  3. Omerion

    What are you listening to?

  4. Omerion

    Need help with names!

    Boneless would be good.
  5. Omerion

    Ps4 - Which to get?

    To say it again, if you got the money like Ed says, if you have a 4K TV, and/or want enchanced graphics, get the PS4 Pro.
  6. Omerion

    Ps4 - Which to get?

    There is no PS4 Slim unless if you are talking about PS4 Pro. If you got a regular TV and don't care about enhanced graphics, PS4 is for you. However, if you have a 4K TV and want enhanced graphics, PS4 Pro is for you.
  7. Omerion

    Mac Controller

    Logitech Controller could be nice. If you don't want to bother going to store or whatever. Xbox 360 controller could work, but you need to buy the controller receiver for the Mac. The easiest method would be a PS3/PS4 controller since you can easily connect that with Bluetooth section.
  8. Omerion

    What Games Are You Playing?

  9. Omerion

    What Games Are You Playing?

  10. Omerion

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Life is not a game. Get out of here.
  11. Omerion

    Tekken 7 Thread

    Welcome to the King Of Iron Fist Tournament 7. I made this thread for to discuss about Tekken 7 or play some matches with each other in this thread. PS4, PC, or Xbox One. PS4 IGN (If anyone is interested): reobebo. Cheers.
  12. Omerion

    League of Legends

    RIP My adc lane, the new meta with Rakan & Xayah took over. Unless if I could do Dank Star with Varus, sure.
  13. Omerion

    Not all heroes wear masks.

    Not all heroes wear masks.
  14. Omerion

    Selfie thread.

    Image broken.
  15. Omerion

    NES Classic Edition Discontinued? NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

    NES Classic Edition Discontinued? NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  16. Omerion

    Persona 5..

    Ah, I love that game, it's like a mix with Persona and the old Shin Megami Tensei series. Much as I like to tell the story, I can't because Atlus's rules about streaming the game. Other than that, great game, would recommend. EDIT: Uh oh, I shouldn't use credits on Overwatch Loot Boxes, now I...
  17. Omerion

    pso memes

    I'm out.
  18. Omerion

    Personal Gaming Quirks?

  19. Omerion

    It's been great everyone, Thank you.

    Although we haven't really met, I'll miss you. Good luck on the real world that awaits you.