Search results

  1. Biscuit

    Raising mag - Mitra lv 200

    Hello there, I'm wondering if it is posible to raise a Mitra to lv 200 with acceptable stats ? i saw a raising guide by Miku that i dont really understand (french here, maybe i miss things in his explanation) ( : "I...
  2. Biscuit

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    J'ai besoin de farmer quelques trucs si jamais ça tente quelqu'un de rejoindre des sessions : RR (TTF,MA1C), PGF (RT), LK38 (TTF DalRalLie en boucle ça peut etre bien pour levelup pour certains), PWAND (MA1C reboot,LCV Ep2 ou PW3), Siren Glass Hammer (MAE4, POD), YAS9000M (EP2 LSR), V101 (LSB...
  3. Biscuit

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    J'ai une fâcheuse tendance à faire plusieurs choses en mm temps o_O. C'est pour pouvoir répondre à tous les besoins.
  4. Biscuit

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    J'ai mis à jour les persos dans la signature mais sur telephone c'est tres tres chiant. Je sais pas si j'ai encore de la place etc... je vais voir ça plus en détail plus tard
  5. Biscuit

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    Yepyep of course. Pour l'instant je ne m'engage pas trop. Ça m'arrive de jouer le soir mais je privilegie la vie de famille et sinon souvent le matin très tot avant d'aller bosser. On va se croiser c'est sûr ;-)
  6. Biscuit

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    ahh bin Shana je connais ! Je sais pas si je passe ce soir ou pas, je verrais. Peut etre tardivement. On verra. Vous avez un lobby de preference ?
  7. Biscuit

    Team MOTHERBRAIN (équipe francophone)

    Salut, je fais partie d'une team morte depuis longtemps, je joue de temps en temps en ce moment. Je suis interessé de vous rejoindre et tester une team plus grande (nous etions 4). Il vous reste de la place ? :)
  8. Biscuit

    Hildetorr spawn

    ty for answre and sharings ;). I'm playing this with FOmar/gizonde it works very well. Maybe i'll add some ATP later. Unfortunatly my monster kill counter is down, i'll reinstall to have some stats and see if there is a real problem :p
  9. Biscuit

    Hildetorr spawn

    Hello there, I've been hunting hildetorr for a long time now in OnePerson mode and Ultimate and i'm going to have some doubts about they are still in the game. Is the Hildetorr rate in OnePerson mode really high ? Is there a difference that make them impossible to see ? I'm wondering if my...
  10. Biscuit

    RESOLVED -- Current connectivity issue since 4/20/2020 @ 01:30 UTC

    Things are back to normal for me now.
  11. Biscuit

    Error 903 persists through different computers using the same router. Help!

    I'm located in France. But another guy from France i'm playing with, can connect without any issue. I've just tried with a VPN located in south USA and it's working well. So i assume it is routing issue. @Sodaboy = Are you sure about the changes made on the server router ? do you have any other...
  12. Biscuit

    Error 903 persists through different computers using the same router. Help!

    Hello, I'm still having trouble to connect to the game. Today the online.exe is running properly, just have some slow times sometimes. The new thing is i have error 903, 916, 101. I totaly can't connect. I was able to connect a bit yesterday but not today. My folder is in antivirus whitelist. I...
  13. Biscuit

    Error 903 persists through different computers using the same router. Help!

    I do have the same issue now.. but it worked properly yesterday (GMT+1) Did something change again ? I was able to connect yesterday until 3 am GMT+1. Since this morning i'm having issues with the launcher "online.exe" which is starting reaaaally sowly and seems to have informations downloading...
  14. Biscuit

    RESOLVED -- Current connectivity issue since 4/20/2020 @ 01:30 UTC

    Hey, I'm having troubles to log in. It's talking about server full or patch server connection failed. It was working nicely yesterday. I can connect sometimes but it's really not working well. Error: No903
  15. BiscuitDeposit2


  16. Biscuit

    Biscuit's Stuff Deposit

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BiscuitDeposit2 by Biscuit posted Mar 31, 2020 at 1:53 AM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~ The deposit is actually CLOSED ~~...
  17. Biscuit

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Was thinking about just a number to change in the account file or in the char file. But ok ty anyway.
  18. Biscuit

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Hey there, Is it possible to reorganize the order of the characters or to make a request on this subject to the administrators? when i created the account, i didn't know about the characters bank and i would like to reorganize all that .. is it possible?