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  1. egg yolk

    B> Phonon Maser [Done]

    Yea, I know it sucks, but I need it!!! Send me a pm if you have one lying around. :)
  2. egg yolk

    State of model swapping in PSOBB [Updated 05/01/2020]

    What's wrong with tellusis?
  3. egg yolk

    State of model swapping in PSOBB [Updated 05/01/2020]

    State of model swapping in PSOBB Model swapped quest/bank clerk. Updates to thread: Before reading, this is not a tutorial, I may consider making a video one at some point though. Tools used and info Swapping models requires that you have some obsolete software installed. The software is...
  4. egg yolk

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    First is a 25hit Heart of Poumn, second is Prophets of Motav! Safe to say I will ignore Oran fiasco for now. :P
  5. egg yolk

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Last game I played before getting back on PSOBB was Pokemon Sword. Played it just enough to fill my side of the Pokedex. Missing shield Pokemon only. ;( That, and Overwatch quick play mode. (Please don't hurt me)
  6. egg yolk

    Ephinea Christmas 2019

    65 hit Charge Spread. Nice!!
  7. egg yolk

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    Two boss drops are from summer, spread needle is from Christmas Fiasco quest. :)
  8. egg yolk

    Phantasy Star Online 2 is coming to the west!

    Is the switch version going to be mass censored or something? IDK how that is going to work lmao.
  9. egg yolk

    Ephinea Christmas 2019

    found one with Photon Drop x 3
  10. egg yolk


    Will take needle
  11. egg yolk

    [Done] A> Red Partisan 0/0/0/0|60

    Okay, I think that makes Hydro the winner @ 42 PDS. Thanks for bidding!
  12. egg yolk

    [Done] A> Red Partisan 0/0/0/0|60

    Reserve: 5pd 48 Hour Bit of a joke item, but nice if you want some consistency.