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  1. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Today I did get vertex normals to patch into an NJA file. Normals were not that complicated to implement in the end, since it's not necessary to mimic how the 3DS max exporter generates them, generally the normals provided from an OBJ file work just fine, so it was just a case of stripping the...
  2. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Okay, so I actually implemented the findings from the previous post into my script and... It works... The triangle strips are still not completely optimized, but there are no culling issues anymore, meaning all of the triangles to be drawn are winded in the correct direction, this means that my...
  3. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    I have started to do more research into SEGA's winding order algorithm for triangle strips, and have found some interesting results and will explain them below. Just to note, (x, x, x) is equivalent to triangle(vert, vert, vert). Firstly, I will describe how winding order (the order of verts...
  4. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Some updates have been made for js-njaPatcher today, that I actually think it's worth sharing now (but not worth using for mods). You can find the repo below. If you wish to mess with it, you'll need to run it on a live server for the time being. If you just want to look and see how it works, I...
  5. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Small update today. First off, I am going to put a list of artifacts at the bottom of this post to make the structuring a bit easier to follow, I will tag them as figures throughout the post. I will announce that I have been writing a script in JavaScript for patching NJA files (named...
  6. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    I did some more study of the NJA format over the past day, looking at normals and triangle strips, this time looking at a model of a simple cube to the scale of 1.0. First of all, the NJA format seems to calculate normals for each vertex vector, which is quite different to how OBJ works, since...
  7. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    For a while now it has been known that with the Dreamcast Development Kit (DDK), it is possible to export PSOBB model files known as Ninja Chunk Models (NJ) and ASCII versions of those models (NJA) from 3DS MAX 2.5/3.0, with the use of an old Windows virtual machine (VM). To describe NJA, it is...
  8. egg yolk


    585 telepipes used
  9. egg yolk

    Replacing Mag models with custom 3D models [Updated method 26/1/22]

    *-* !! So cool that it works in Windows 10! That makes everything way more accessible. I would be happy to collaborate on the document and will get in touch soon. My plan is to expand the one document to include the process for different model swaps, it perhaps needs to be streamlined now since...
  10. egg yolk

    Replacing Mag models with custom 3D models [Updated method 26/1/22]

    So, there is now a better way to make mag models without using a Virtual Machine or 3DS MAX. I have linked a video guide explaining how below, you may also need to refer to the text guide for using AFS Manager and Texture Manager still though. The links to tools is in the video description...
  11. egg yolk

    fk ... is down

    fk ... is down
  12. egg yolk

    Extracting Models from PSO

    Looks good!! Would be cool to see any progress you make for sure. :)
  13. egg yolk

    Beast Mode

    Beast Mode
  14. egg yolk

    Need To Make Yoshi Mag Next Time

    Need To Make Yoshi Mag Next Time
  15. egg yolk

    Extracting Models from PSO

    In the link below there is a tool called bmlextract. I haven't been able to test it, but at least had a look at the download. I'm assuming it will dump the .bml contents into a specified folder. If you are unfamiliar...
  16. egg yolk

    PSO Asset Exports

    I dunno if this would be of use to you, but a person on here named vincent recently found yet another ninja export plugin for 3DS MAX 3.0 (Windows XP). This time it is from a Japanese katana dev kit, so the documentation is also in Japanese, however, it goes over the different pixel formats for...
  17. egg yolk

    Paganini's Holiday [Mag] (Model Injection)

    Although I have never replaced the Rappy mag, in theory it should work fine with this model. I made a video for doing other mags as the download includes the model/texture files that can be inserted over any mag. All of the links for the tools are listed in the video description, I recommend...
  18. egg yolk

    PSO Asset Exports

    Ahh, this is cool! I am really curious about how these models are represented within the GSL. Does each model start with the standard NJCM/NJTL header?
  19. egg yolk

    Egg Yolk Trade List [updated 1/8/2020] [SHOP CLOSED]

    ... please msg me on discord when you are online
  20. egg yolk

    The Symbol Chat Thread It's cool when people make full sets