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  1. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    HUcast rig is mostly complete and will be available for the next release, to finish it up I spent the day figuring out how to make all nodes have the same orientation. In the previous post, the orientation/face direction problem was described, and I have now solved it for HUcast at least, as...
  2. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Today I started writing a rigging system for player models, unfortunately certain chars will require unique rigging systems since each char has a different node structure. For instance, FOmarl's arm, uses a different node ID to HUcasts arm. The same thing goes for any enemies in the game, they...
  3. egg yolk

    State of model swapping in PSOBB [Updated 05/01/2020]

    Hello! First off, sorry that I missed this reply, I simply didn't see it in notifications. To answer your question, I don't really recommend using the solutions for model swapping in this thread. I am currently developing a tool to make NJ files with a much easier process, if you wish to learn...
  4. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Today I managed to copy some node structures, like HUcast and Ill Gill. The process works by taking every node position from an ExMldNet scan of an NJ object from PSOBB, njaPatcher can parse these scans when it creates an NJA file, and can bind it with the loaded model, e.g, cube. All models...
  5. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    So I have implemented some new features into njaPatcher, which is mostly the re-write of code that I mentioned in the last post, but also some completely new ideas. Unfortunately my research with bone structures has turned into limbo. Before explaining why, I must remind anyone keeping up with...
  6. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    To actually work on implementation of bones, njaPatcher will require a large rewrite, this means separating the different functions such as loading OBJ and generating triangle strips into isolated JavaScript promises, as working with multiple OBJ will need random access to those functions and...
  7. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Some pretty big information just hit me after chatting with Shiva from Destiny PSOBB. If you export a model from 3DS MAX with grouped OBJs (separate files, same 3D editor scene) it draws bones between each object. This drastically changes how NJA and NJ is exported, since for each bone, NJA adds...
  8. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Should be making another update to njaPatcher sometime this week/weekend. The update will get rid of a bug that causes an error when the OBJ has smoothing groups. If anyone had tried njaPatcher V0.20a and couldn't get it working, this is probably the reason. Something else I have realized...
  9. egg yolk

    Cashmira's Skins ♥

    Cool cool, will try that out today then =). Really liking the area textures so far though, great job!
  10. egg yolk

    Cashmira's Skins ♥

    Trying out this mod today, is the door XVM file for the door BML? (bm_obj_ep4_door.bml)
  11. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    njaPatcher version 0.20a is now available to download from the repo - This version of njaPatcher adds support for creating NJ files. If you wish to add them to PSOBB, please read the documentation carefully and refer to this post that I made a...
  12. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Today I am not working on any code, but have been testing model swaps. Below is a compatibility list for item swapping in terms of weapon category: This of course will vary as some special weapons have unique properties. I've noticed with some weapons like Orotiagito, the special still works...
  13. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Okay, I can confirm that the above idea was not the solution to the crashing issue described. Instead the problem came from the NJM file I was appending onto the end of NJ files. To resolve this, the NJM from my previously released Dark Flow mod was used, which actually fixes the crashing...
  14. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Today I have been mostly figuring out how to generate NJTL and NJCM as binary (NJ file), I did make a huge amount of progress, but I can't say it works for sure, as I haven't tested enough to say so. I did get massively sidetracked today since when testing njaPatcher NJA's through njaconv.exe...
  15. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Today I am using njaPatcher to create test NJ files that I can analyze in a hex editor. Since njaPatcher gives the freedom of creating models that can run through njaconv.exe, the specification for creating an NJ file should be the same as NJA specification except compressed and printed as...
  16. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    njaPatcher is now available as a demo version x) - Currently the tool can directly transfer OBJ to NJA, but it is done through a code editor. I will not share this too widely as it's not a GUI application and might not be user friendly to those...
  17. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Should release njaPatcher as a demo build this weekend, since I plan to make njaPatcher into a lib with optional GUI (HTML/CSS, maybe node bundle). The demo build will include a HTML interface solely for copy and pasting, there is no drag and drop feature yet, so it requires that you have a code...
  18. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Normals and textures should be fully supported now, they seem to be working fine in my recent tests. I made a reference NJ which shows where XYZ (red, green, blue) are facing, to ensure that the textures were mapped correctly, some oddities about this; through loading larger models I've noticed...
  19. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Texture mapping is now implemented, in order to get texture mapping to work I had to alter some of the triangle strip program, since NJA uses OBJ texture index as a base for triangle strips when it has a texture list (NJTL), previously (without textures) it used OBJ vertex index instead (NJCM)...
  20. egg yolk

    Ninja ASCII (.NJA) format conversion from .OBJ [Theory]

    Textures are not fully implemented at the moment, but I did create an NJA file with texture support today. This is quite valuable since, textures support generally makes objects in PSO behave more stable, for instance, flickering visual effects occur when using an NJ without textures. I will...