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  1. Aubright

    You ever feel like you talk too much?

    You ever feel like you talk too much?
  2. Aubright

    Odd Tech I Found Over the Time Playing

    That's weird, I was able to map techs to the 1-0 keys and it still worked.
  3. Aubright

    Also wow I'm an elitist idiot. Lemme go remake my ranger, planned on doing that anyway so this...

    Also wow I'm an elitist idiot. Lemme go remake my ranger, planned on doing that anyway so this works too.
  4. Aubright

    Objectively the best.

    Objectively the best.
  5. Aubright

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I've been playing a lot of quite a few games as of recently, those being Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles for the PSP, Beat Da Beat for the PC, PSOBB of course, Spelunky for the PC, and Cloudbuilt for the PC. If I could recommend any of them, it would be Cloudbuilt cause it's like if Shadow the...
  6. Aubright

    Big News for Chuggaaconroy fans!

    I'd say any of his LPs from the early 2010's are a good place to start, but I won't judge if you don't want to watch him.
  7. Aubright

    Comment by 'Aubright' in media 'Eatster Chat 2'

    Get Also can I steal this?
  8. Aubright

    I just now noticed this too. The Redia insignia is a good fit since both Mew and Redria are...

    I just now noticed this too. The Redia insignia is a good fit since both Mew and Redria are objectively the best.
  9. Aubright

    Big News for Chuggaaconroy fans!

    If you've been a long-time fan of Chuggaaconroy, then you may know what I'm talking about, and if you don't, let me tell you what I'm talking about. On March 28, 2008--ten years ago--Emile Rosales, AKA Chuggaaconroy, made his first ever playthrough, with Earthbound for the SNES. Chuggaaconroy...
  10. Aubright

    Yeah I tried PSO2 for a while recently. It felt really unbalanced imo.

    Yeah I tried PSO2 for a while recently. It felt really unbalanced imo.
  11. Aubright

    Odd Tech I Found Over the Time Playing

    Is that so? I'll make sure to change it to that.
  12. Aubright

    Superglueing my eyes shut so I don’t forget to blink.

    Superglueing my eyes shut so I don’t forget to blink.
  13. Aubright

    Odd Tech I Found Over the Time Playing

    EDIT: Apparently I was wrong, you have to make sure only items are in your quick menu. So I found some neat tech that could probably help with controlling your character during fights. So if you hold ctrl while near an enemy, you can move freely as though you’re out of battle. I thought I’d...
  14. Aubright

    Must've been fun, glad you enjoyed it!

    Must've been fun, glad you enjoyed it!
  15. Aubright

    Optional Ability to Disable Leveling Up

    What'cha talking about? I love torture! Please don't read too far into this I just love brutal difficulty.
  16. Aubright

    Optional Ability to Disable Leveling Up

    The idea of doing a level 1 ultimate run would be fun.
  17. Aubright

    I'd say I'm doing pretty good myself. Anything new happening?

    I'd say I'm doing pretty good myself. Anything new happening?
  18. Aubright

    Optional Ability to Disable Leveling Up

    So I was leveling a fresh new character and I remembered how Kingdom Hearts had that EXP Zero skill that disabled leveling up. Then I thought, "What if you could do a level 1 challenge in this game too?" So now here I am. The idea is that if you start a brand new character you can use a command...
  19. Aubright

    Nice! How was it?

    Nice! How was it?