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  1. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    Hello to anybody still on this team! I'm sorry for being away for so long, but now I'm actually, really, truly back. I've actually been playing for about a week now under an alternate account in order to... A: remember how to play, and B: work out any technical and performance issues created by...
  2. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    I'm back. No, really. I really mean it this time. I Explains... Earlier this year, my iMac (yeah, I play using a wine wrapper. Ask if you need help playing on OSX) started to have hard drive problems, and began its final chapter of its life... (sniff) But now I has a (slightly) better iMac...
  3. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    Hope everyone had a good holiday! I finally have time to start playing again. :p
  4. Escutcheon

    Team Monolith

    ♪ Jaaayne! The man they call Jaaaaaayne! ♫
  5. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    Oh, just like real life! :p
  6. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    You can definitely join! One of my officers will have to sign you up, though, as I won't have time until the new year. :confused:
  7. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    Holy Cheesus! Hast thoust returnithed? You picked a good time, as I'll be too busy with holiday stuff to be online until probably January. So the streak of just missing each other survives!
  8. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    Well, hey there CORE-lings! I didn't see you there. I wanted to let everyone know that thanks to the awesomeness of @Spuz we now have a team member limit of 70 (up by 50), an officer limit of 8 (up by 5), and both quests unlocked! Thank you, Spuz! If you're interested in becoming an officer...
  9. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

  10. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    Discord Update: I finally went and made an official channel! Thaerin did make one that he was in charge of, but he hasn't been online for awhile as he's been super busy IRL. Please, if you've already joined his, switch over to mine, as I'd prefer to only track one channel. I'll have him delete...
  11. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    Gaahh! Falz trolled me. There we were, just ending Falz's life for the jabillionth time, when suddenly the rare item sound went off! The banner started going by! There's a red dot on my map! OMG OMG OMG... Running to box... ... .. DF Shield.
  12. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    Oh, I... I think I left them in my other bank... which I misplaced somewhere... and also Rappies may have taken them! :rolleyes:
  13. Escutcheon

    How do I delete a poll from my thread?

    :D Thank you!!!
  14. Escutcheon

    How do I delete a poll from my thread?

    NOOOOOoooooOOO!! :eek:
  15. Escutcheon

    How do I delete a poll from my thread?

    I put a poll up a little while ago on my team thread, but it ended on Friday, and I have no idea how to get rid of it. Will it go away over time? Is there an option I'm missing? I looked all over the Edit section for the poll, but no option to delete. Halp!
  16. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    This was unexpected! Hey CORE-lings! We have a Dressing Room already! After donating a few junk Silent Claws, I decided to see how many points we had, and I was pleasantly shocked to see that some of you have been donating quite a bit! Woot! On a side note, does anyone know how to get rid of...
  17. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    Well, that was weird/funny... I had a bit of time to spare before I finished procrastinating on doing the dishes, and I look through the group list and I see "CORE" right in the middle of it. I figure it was made by one of you guys, so I pop in. Nobody that I recognize. Except there is a low...
  18. Escutcheon

    Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

    I just checked, and yeah, I guess you did. :D Up to you if we should meet for just the one item, or reserve it for another time. I'm good either way, whatever's easier for you.
  19. Escutcheon

    Spuz's Unsealing & Custom Sranks. (CLOSED)

    Oh, SpecialRyan was looking for some items, I had one, so I offered, then he edited his post not needing them, I guess.
  20. Escutcheon

    Hardcore Team: CORE

    The Poll has closed! I will be setting up the Team Flag in game within the next couple minutes. Thank you guys! Now, let's get another 1,000 points for the Dressing Room! :D Update: Okay... having some issues uploading the image. I have a 32x32 image named flag.bmp in the flag folder, but the...