Search results

  1. Aer

    The better Cameron List (9/15/19)

    I'll go with the Scavenger charge diska and charge vulcans for 1pd combined please. I have no idea why i didnt buy the vulcans last time
  2. Aer

    Spuz's Junk: [CLOSED CURRENTLY]

    S-reds arms and the 20/10 Gratia please
  3. Aer

    S> Odds and Ends

    I'll take a bunch of HP mats
  4. Aer

    Small general shop

    Hi there, Came back to the game and i've started from scratch. I saw your section at the end. I could very much use the charge vulcans and god/battle as I've just entered VHard and getting my arse handed to me. Thanks in advance, from me and other newer players.
  5. Aer

    Selfie thread.

    Hey, I came back to the game a few weeks ago. I also lost ~45 pounds recently so I feel comfortable posting my picture :) Sorry I can't find how to show it in-post. The Media button isn't allowing a link from Imgur.
  6. Aer

    The better Cameron List (9/15/19)

    - God/Battle 0.5 - Smartlink 1 - Vulcan [Charge] [0/0/0/0|50] .5 If they're still open.
  7. Aer

    Ephinea Challenge Mode Records

    It's Aerilas, but just go ahead and put Aer. Aerolis, why are you thinking about my nipple rings Spuz?
  8. Aer

    Challenge Mode Meeting Topic (C. Lobby: Fodra 1-8)

    Ancient cmoder making a return. Ill be playing in the upcoming period. New characters so ill be going through them all multiple times. Im EU gmt+1.
  9. Aer

    Indeed. Do i know you under another name?

    Indeed. Do i know you under another name?
  10. Aer

    Soon to may return from a long hiatus.

    Soon to may return from a long hiatus.