Search results

  1. Aer

    Help with Music Disks

    3 and 6 are from old sega games with the same name. 12 is the spaceship track. My help is meagre.
  2. Aer

    Christmas Trivia - 99 PD in prizes

    You say you only award the first answer, so I'll answer 5 first: 5. Volt 3. Roma I mean, I want to continue with the V, but whatever. Can't find any Guy Fawkes or 5/11 references to other Roman V cities. 5th of November (Guy Fawkes night) also became a day to burn papal- and christian...
  3. Aer

    Christmas 2018 Event Thread

    18 Fiascos so far (72 coal), Five of which during the Christmas day boosts. >12000 monsters 4presents. Top draw so far is Iritista. I hope this next week works out better.
  4. Aer

    Christmas Trivia - 99 PD in prizes

    I was going with Valentina too so im out of thatone. 2. Bach 5. Pinnacle
  5. Aer

    Ephinea Challenge Mode Records

    Damn son that's a nice run! You guys mustve been overjoyed after finding the mechs and raf. How long did olga1 take? Was the hitless lockgun even worth much?(probably NNN when he's far?) When did you enter boss?
  6. Aer

    Dro's PD Shop

    Since im beat on the Ranger wall, ill take the hell raygun 50h for 1pd if thats ok
  7. Aer

    Trade with Ade :D (updated 01/24/2019)

    Ill take the demons raygun 50h and the spread needle 20h 8+
  8. Aer

    A> Smoking Plate 49/50 15/20

  9. Aer

    Selfie thread.

    I like the empty toilet roll on the holder and the new one on the sink.
  10. Aer

    Ephinea Challenge Mode Records

    Quick note. Stellar fast updating on the thread, but Roo was hucast :x
  11. Aer

    Ephinea Challenge Mode Records

    @ request the story: We grinded out a map for a few hours until we found one with an acceptable area 2 and 4 (2 and 3 rooms respectively, but always the worst amount of spawns in this stage). We then started resetting and grinding for another hour of the first 4-5 rooms only. Eventually a...
  12. Aer

    Borrowing quests from other servers.

    Yes!! Ep1 cmode stylez
  13. Aer

    [DONE] A>0/40/0/0|95 Charge Arms 14PS

    It's cool man, thanks for making my popcorn taste better.
  14. Aer

    Ephinea Challenge Mode Records

    Quite fantastic map. First area was so great (only +1spawn) though with very few claws which made weaponhunting quite hard. In the end we got a bu95d in the 2nd room and a kn7080 in the 7th room (right before ring and timeswitch). We decided to go for it and never saw better weapons until 2nd...
  15. Aer

    Spuz's ES Market! [Premade Only!]

    Surely. I made a DEFORMED TWIN last time.
  16. Aer

    Trade with Ade :D (updated 01/24/2019)

    Thanks for not acknowledging my post and then deleting harms off the list.
  17. Aer

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    Perhaps in stages to let people get used to it and prevent auctions/discussions getting out of hand. That is it it happens or should happen.
  18. Aer

    Trade with Ade :D (updated 01/24/2019)

    Ill take the h/arms for 4pd
  19. Aer

    Future of PSO (Community and Rates)

    Everyone just come play cmode, it offers communism in a perfect way. You can still find your rare 95h weapons and rule the stage temporarily feeling stronger than others and being better equipped than others. Until the end of the stage, then you gotta do it again. There's no grind and stages go...