Search results

  1. Lantana

    Returning player looking for a team

    hey! Ive got a small team on the go that plays pretty often. you would be our second member from Germany to if you were to join! Join the discord if youre interested and I'll get you all setup!
  2. Lantana

    S> Halloween Cookies x 2 = 8 PDs [SOLD]

    B> hmu on discord! lantana_audio
  3. Lantana

    PDA> Galatine [Spirit] [0/0/0/0|40] (FINISHED @ 940)

    Galatine [Spirit] [0/0/0/0|40] Reserve: 700 PDs Countdown: 72 Hours Resets: 24 Hours Minimum Increment: +5 PDs Accepting: Photon Drops Photon Hoards (enjoy funny meme photo of the item) ramar/humar art by: Lemoneal
  4. Lantana

    A> 180 Techs. (Closed)

    Way to much effort to just sell these individually. Res: 1PD Reset: 24h Countdown: 24h List of techs: Ryuker Lv1 Ryuker Lv1 Ryuker Lv1 Reverser Lv1 Reverser Lv1 Reverser Lv1 Reverser Lv1 Foie Lv15 Gifoie Lv15 Gifoie Lv15 Gifoie Lv15 Rafoie Lv15 Rafoie Lv15 Rafoie...
  5. Lantana

    Lobby 16 / Team Syncesta

    Hello Everyone! After years of playing PSO and not having my own team, I have decided to make one! Team Syncesta -- The purpose of this team is to bring together new and old players! Team Syncesta will have a focus on remaining active in the PSO community. While it is not a requirement, active...
  6. Lantana

    A> HEAVEN STRIKER [0/0/0/20|20]

  7. Lantana

    A> HEAVEN STRIKER [0/0/0/20|20]

  8. Lantana

    A> HEAVEN STRIKER [0/0/0/20|20]

  9. Lantana

    A> Heart of Ancient Saber : DONE

  10. Lantana

    Post your vehicle!
