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  1. Yunaelith

    What are you listening to?

  2. Yunaelith

    What are you listening to?

  3. Yunaelith

    Any Fans of Original Sega Genesis Phantasy Star games?

    Sadly I don't have a switch but I do have a modded PS2 that can play any region games. I'll figure the best option. Haha
  4. Yunaelith

    Any Fans of Original Sega Genesis Phantasy Star games?

    I want to give the series a go (Going from PS1 to PS4) but I'm not sure what's the best solution to buy the first one... I can find PS2~4 on Steam but the first one is nowhere to be found.
  5. Yunaelith

    What are you listening to?

  6. Yunaelith

    What are you listening to?

  7. Yunaelith

    What are you listening to?

  8. Yunaelith

    What are you listening to?

  9. Yunaelith

    Team Monolith

    /kick I'm posting a little message just to say that I'm still sometime playing (I'm always up for some games, just hit me up) And I'm always watching this forum
  10. Yunaelith

    What are you listening to?

  11. Yunaelith

    Multiple Accounts for More Characters

    You can use the extra slots to make more characters, up to 32 You access them with this button on the launcher Or by typing /cbank 1~8 ingame
  12. Yunaelith

    Alt-Tab issues (New Player)

    Disable both Classic Fullscreen and Window mode, you'll get a windowed fullscreen (aka borderless). :D
  13. Yunaelith

    Game Deleted All Photon Drops And Meseta

    Can you be a bit more specific on the problem ? They were deleted from where ? Did you try the /bank command to see if you were on the right bank (Shared/Character) ?
  14. Yunaelith

    Holiday Giveaway: RR + PGF + V502!

    I'll offer my finest meme of the year Just joking, don't count me in the giveaway. :wacko: @Eistee I'll add a PGF as a second giveaway item (for someone else), if you're up to it.
  15. Yunaelith

    What are you listening to?

  16. Yunaelith

    Mine is already fitting, hehe.

    Mine is already fitting, hehe.
  17. Yunaelith

    What are you listening to?

  18. Yunaelith

    dsound.dll strikes back

    I've tried everything but not disabling that focus sound, as it's active by default. Also just an update, I was still crashing on Win7 so it didn't help in any way. I'll disable the Focus sound and see if I get crashes the next time I play. Sometime I can play a whole day just fine and crash a...
  19. Yunaelith

    What are you listening to?

  20. Yunaelith

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    4th Lv200 after 4 years on the server. :D