Search results

  1. DM 경호

    Rare Findings and/or Accomplishment Thread

    I haven't been playing too long on Ephinea and this is probably the best or rarest drop I ever found in all my years of grinding PSO This takes me back to my childhood playing on GC with my brother and friends and we were talking about super rare and dope drops we never could dream of ever...
  2. DM 경호

    One Person TTF 11'09 FOmar

    Wow great job! Holy crap I've never seen this pipe wall glitch in Caves before, is that also possible in multiplayer mode? Do you need a specific setup with this? Like using Raikiri or any other Katana?
  3. DM 경호


    You might have better luck gambling Meseta for Cure/Shock, the other day I got like 4-5 of them from Coren
  4. DM 경호

    B>V801 8 PDs [DONE]

    I already got mine, but thanks! :)
  5. DM 경호

    B>V801 8 PDs [DONE]

    dm me here or on discord: dan4159
  6. DM 경호

    B>Hell Raygun 50hit [DONE]

    dm me on discord dan4159
  7. DM 경호

    B>Demon's Needle [DONE]

    Want to buy an ES Spread Needle with Demon's ability. Can have any weapon name.
  8. DM 경호

    B>Photon Crystals [DONE]

    Want to buy up to 100+ Photon Crystals, please DM me
  9. DM 경호

    A > Heart of Tension Blaster [DONE]

    d'lain won with a bid of 150 pds :) @d'lain let me know how I can contact you to arrange the trade
  10. DM 경호

    A > Heart of Tension Blaster [DONE]

    ~20mins left!
  11. DM 경호

    A > Heart of Tension Blaster [DONE]

    Ohh, gotcha! My bad, sorry for the confusion everyone. Timer is reset then and ends tomorrow at 12:39pm CET.
  12. DM 경호

    A > Heart of Tension Blaster [DONE]

    Oh wait, the 24h reset each time a new bid is made? I thought it only resets once?
  13. DM 경호

    A > Heart of Tension Blaster [DONE]

    30min remaining!
  14. DM 경호

    A > Heart of Tension Blaster [DONE]

    only ~1h remaining!
  15. DM 경호

    A > Heart of Tension Blaster [DONE]

    Countdown reset to Saturday 1:54pm CET :)
  16. DM 경호

    A > Heart of Tension Blaster [DONE]

    alright, timer started
  17. DM 경호

    A > Heart of Tension Blaster [DONE]

    Hi everyone, first auction and first post in general, bear with me ;) Found a Heart of Tension Blaster yesterday: Reserve: 85 pds Countdown: 72 hours Resets: 24 hours CHB: 150 Wants: Photon drops Happy New Year's everyone and good luck! :D