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  1. DM 경호

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Jellen makes it so you don't get knocked down by his attacks. If he runs around you'd instantly die from all the hits instead of having knockdown invul.
  2. DM 경호

    I was tired of the drop charts not being complete

    Oh it was you who edited the dropcharts? I wanted to reach out to you. Yeah the coding of the wiki dropcharts is a mess. You forgot to add the info on DAR and RDR breakdown. The way you implemented the drops is fine, but in the future you'd have to rework everything. I started editing the...
  3. DM 경호

    What are you listening to?

    Wow this is fantastic! I'll make sure to give it a good listen soon, but after a short skim through I'm already liking it!
  4. DM 경호

    Miku's best farming quest list (v1.2.0)

    Do enemies on A3 still have this ridiculous buff in movement speed? I remember when trying MA4C Rappy resets on A10, this always messed things up when I wanted to collect item drops. The wave of Bootas that spawn after the rappies make it almost impossible to collect items on the floor if they...
  5. DM 경호

    Me checking out staff member list but then suddenly getting full on bee movie'd by you

    Me checking out staff member list but then suddenly getting full on bee movie'd by you
  6. DM 경호

    Return to Ragol: A GameCube Romhack of Episode 1&2

    I've seen your posts on reddit, the work you do looks amazing and I'm looking forward to the release!
  7. DM 경호

    The Pet Thread

    Sorry for your loss Mew, rest in peace little kitty ❤️
  8. DM 경호

    Miku's best farming quest list (v1.2.0)

    Thanks for your explanation :) So you keep it to rare drops mostly? What about pds? I mean theoretically there's a whole bunch of items you could include (materials, common weapons, techs) but that would make the calculations very tedious.
  9. DM 경호

    Miku's best farming quest list (v1.2.0)

    Can you help me understand how you calculate the expected value per run? Do you look for noteworthy drops and take the base prices from the Price Guide or do you even go more into detail by including Hit and DFP ranges into your calculations? Do you include expected amount of PDs from monsters...
  10. DM 경호

    Paying your party's restock bills when using Dark Flow.

    If we entertain your idea, I think it's a far more important discussion to pay back restock bills to all support FO's. The bill would be much less though.
  11. DM 경호

    A.I. and PSOBB: What is the future imagined to be like, will you be a part of it?

    This post is obviously April Fool's bait
  12. DM 경호

    TeamLog Addon Beta Release v0.2.0 by rtti - Now in Color!

    Damn rtti nice job and thanks for this addon! You're a true Chad, the pfp suits you :D
  13. DM 경호

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    Ok gotcha, I guess recording will be kept to 30fps then, that's fine. But this runs unbelievably smooth otherwise and I just love how this game looks in 60fps now, thanks a million for this forum post, this is a godsend! :D
  14. DM 경호

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    Ok thx I tried WGC now and it's way worse than DXGI. It's only a very slight difference to normal 30fps gameplay. I wonder then how they did record the video above? Because this video runs very clearly at 60fps.
  15. DM 경호

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    Thanks for the help! It worked out and looks fantastic! :D Can you also tell me how you capture this on video? I use the Buffer function in OBS Studio, but the framerate keeps at 30fps.
  16. DM 경호

    New game changer for all you fans that like 60fps+ for PSO

    Hey this looks fantastic! Can you tell me which settings you used here? I just downloaded this program in Steam. How do you set it up?
  17. DM 경호

    Music Discs Consumable?

    It's single use. You will find music discs all the time while playing, so don't worry about losing them.
  18. DM 경호

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I think this comment by Ender in the video actually gives all the context you need, the wiki monster stats are just not updated
  19. DM 경호

    What is your favorite weapon, aesthetically speaking? (Ep1&2 weapons only)

    Cold take but I love the design of Dark Flow. I always wondered as a kid playing offline GC if Dark Falz and Olga Flow could drop their swords as rares and at least now it's possible for the latter. I love Olga's first phase where he uses the Dark Flow special on you and I just love the fact...