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  1. DM 경호

    Hall of Shame findings/items thread

    Some Goodies
  2. DM 경호

    The Symbol Chat Thread

    Ah yeah my bad, the screenshot I took is very similar. Awesome so you made this SC? I love it! :)
  3. DM 경호

    The Symbol Chat Thread

    funny how that one goes around, this is my screenshot and I stole the SC from someone else ingame ;)
  4. DM 경호

    High Hit% Calibur Farming Guide

    @AydinY hey no worries and it's cool that people are curious about this topic. "Over 13%" is correct for Hit, but we can math it out exactly. No need for simplification here. I'll dm you my spreadsheets. Basically the math for EN4 runs and Box runs has already been done and you can share my...
  5. DM 경호

    High Hit% Calibur Farming Guide

    Hey @AydinY sorry but your math is off in many places, here are the actual odds when opening 1 box in a PW3 run: There's a lot of simplification you can't apply here and some errors you made along the way: 1) Seabed Upper boxes drop weapons with a chance of 8% in Ultimate, not 9%. 2) It's...
  6. DM 경호

    A> Photon Crystal x43

  7. DM 경호

    A> Photon Crystal x43

  8. DM 경호

    Snow Queen +18 [0/0/35/0|40] Done @ 260pd

    Res: 200pd Countdown: 72h Reset: 24h Wants: - PDs - Gold Badges 1:1 - Silver Badges 10:1 Buyout: 350pd
  9. DM 경호

    Favourite weapon SFX?

  10. DM 경호

    A> Excalibur [0/0/0/15|20][Done]

  11. DM 경호

    Rafoie lv30 disk [DONE at 45pd]

  12. DM 경호

    Heaven Striker +20 [30/25/0/0|20] [Done at 38pd]

    Updated with some new Wants
  13. DM 경호

    Rafoie lv30 disk [DONE at 45pd]

    Res: 30PD Countdown: 72hr Reset: 24hr Wants: PDs Gold Badges (1:1) Silver Badges (10:1)
  14. DM 경호

    A>bank (chb:70)

  15. DM 경호

    Heaven Striker +20 [30/25/0/0|20] [Done at 38pd]

    Res: 1PD Countdown: 72hr Reset: 24hr Wants: PDs Gold Badges (1:1) Silver Badges (10:1)