Search results

  1. Andre Reyna Zevallos

    plz buy mah stuf or theey'll gona hurt me!! :(

    Diska of Braveman [Berserk] [0/0/20/35|25] 1 PD Zanba +38 [Berserk] [0/0/0/0|15] 2 PD please, contact me. I want em! :D Andre#0900
  2. Andre Reyna Zevallos

    Skye's Scraps and Savory Sundries

    Let me know about your 3 Seals, already PMd
  3. Andre Reyna Zevallos

    Just chilling.

    Just chilling.
  4. Andre Reyna Zevallos

    EL’s trade list

    I´d like to get that H/Mind. Would you do it for 1 PD?